蘇 西:一點也不好玩,相信我。我已經讀夠了那些信。總之,我已經對這些瑣事感到厭倦了。我想要往上爬,張開翅膀飛翔,能負責些事情。我希望聽到別人說:「蘇西,我們現在有個狀況,我們全靠妳來解決了。」
湯 姆:嗯,妳為何不從這個角度來看妳現在的情況呢?
蘇 西:嗯?
湯 姆:瞧,妳現在這個「死胡同」的感受不就是一個有待解決的問題,不是嗎?那麼就張開妳的翅膀飛吧!蘇西。把這個問題解決掉。
◣Moving Up In The World(4)
Suzie:It’s very uninteresting, believe me. I’ve seen more than enough of it. Anyhow, I’m tired of drudgery. I want to move up in the world, to spread my wings and fly, to take responsibility. I want to hear people say,“Suzie, we have a problem and we’re counting on you to solve it.”
Tom:Well, why don’t you try seeing your own situation in just that way?
Suzie: Huh?
Tom:Look, your“dead end” feeling is a problem that needs to be solved, right? So spread your wings and fly, Suzie. Solve the problem.