Nov. 16, 2004
本周電子報精心挑選三則英文諺語、俗話和俚語,學起來讓你的會話與寫作更道地、更有深度。英語民調有關於美國太空總署的投票 ,挑戰一下自己的閱讀能力和聽力。
"Friends" was a long-running American television comedy focused on the lives of six friends living in Manhattan, New York. Its first episode was shown on September 22, 1994, and the last on May 6, 2004. It is the most successful sitcom of all time. By the end of the series the six main cast members were each paid $1,000,000 per episode. The show revealed the daily lives of a group of six friends: Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Ross, and Phoebe. The settings for the show include Monica's apartment, Chandler and Joey's apartment and the coffee shop downstairs, "Central Perk."
1. Have you watched "Friends"?
  A. Yes, it's my favorite show.
  B. Yes, I've watched a few episodes.
  C. Yes, but I don't like it.
  D. No, I have not.
  E. No idea
2. Which character do you like the most ?
  A. Rachel
  B. Monica
  C. Chandler
  D. Joey
  E. Ross
  F. Phoebe
Don't judge a book by its cover.
A: She looks very clever.
B: Don't judge a book by its cover. You should somehow test her.

If anything can go wrong, it will.
A: Nothing seems to go my way today.
B: If anything can go wrong, it will.

sweat out
We sweated out the final exam on Monday.
I sweated out my final grades of statistics.
◎ 11月10日 (三)

◎ 地點:台北教室
◎ 11月27日 (六)
◎ 地點:台北教室
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