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2024/04/26 第718期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 內部網路與資源共享
【英語學習Plus】 Earth Day 世界地球日
【本月發燒書】 英文閱讀聽力素養訓練課:伊索寓言故事(20K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★2024世界閱讀日書展上線★


★Katharine needs to access some programs and files..

K: Can you help me with something? You asked me to save this file to the server, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

J: Sure. It's really simple. All our computers are hooked up to a network that connects this whole office. All of us can access files on the server. Saving a file to the server is easy. Open the folder that says "Shared Files;" you'll see folders named for all our current projects and an archive for the old ones. Then you should be able to see where I would want you to save the file.

K: Great, thanks!

J: You'll also need to learn to use FTP. We use this to share files from our website, or to share large files that would take a long time to pass around. I'll show you how to set up your account, and then you'll be able to access and upload from it.

K: OK.

J: You will need to know how to use cloud storage as well. The cloud storage is really convenient, providing us with immediate access to upload or download files. We use both Dropbox and Google Drive, later I will let you know how to register and use them.
妳也需要學會用雲端硬碟,雲端硬碟真的很方便,讓我們可以即時上傳與下載檔案,Dropbox 和Google Drive 我們都有使用,待會我會教妳怎麼註冊和使用它們。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「內部網路與資源共享」

Earth Day 世界地球日

We hear the phrase every year, but what exactly is Earth Day? It's an annual event held on April 22nd to focus attention on the environment and how humans influence it. Now observed in nearly 200 countries, it began in 1970 as a day designed to teach American students about the importance of conservation. Over the next 20 years the event was almost forgotten, but it came back in a big way.

1990's "Earth Day 20" brought together over 200 million people in 141 countries. It made governments around the world realize the importance of recycling, and put the environment on the international stage. It also saw Earth Day become an annual event, rather than one held every ten years. Earth Day 2000 was even bigger, with over 5,000 groups in 183 countries taking part. The Internet was now the event's main organizing tool, and film star Leonardo DiCaprio was its host.

Some believe the choice of April 22nd as Earth Day shows Communist influence. April 22nd, 1970 was the 100th birthday of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin. The event certainly goes beyond politics now, though, and is a rare example of international agreement.

我們每年都會聽到此名詞,但是到底何謂世界地球日? 每逢4月22日,就是響應世界地球日的時刻,目的在於多加關懷環境議題,以及人類的行為對環境造成何種影響。現在將近200個國家落實此活動,其起源始於1970年,當時是為了教導美國學生瞭解環境保護的重要性。往後的20年左右,該活動幾乎遭人遺忘,卻以不同凡響的方式捲土重來。

1990年的「世界地球日20周年慶」,帶動141個國家超過2億人口留意此盛事。此現象讓全球各地的政府意識到資源回收的重要性,並使環保議題受到國際關注。世界地球日也因而成為一年一度的活動,而非每十年舉辦一次。2000年的世界地球日規模更加盛大,183個國家中,有超過5000個團體響應。網路世界是該次活動的主要統籌工具,而電影明星李奧納多• 狄卡皮歐更擔任活動主持人。


──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 3:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》





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