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2024/04/09 第655期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

「保重!」英文怎麼說? 10個各種情境的實用說法
MAR. 26,2024 / Jerry

”「保重!」英文怎麼說? 10個各種情境的實用說法

      「保重」是一個中文中常說的用語,通常用於表達對他人的關心和祝福,希望他們能夠注意保護自己的健康和安全。通常在各種情況下都可以使用,例如當某人生病、受傷、或是道別時都可以用來表達關懷。在英文中,"take care" 是「道別」時常見的表達語,而,"bless you" 則是用於在「某人打噴嚏」之後表達禮貌的說法。在不同的情境下,可以有不同的表達方式,但基本的含義都是對對方的祝福和關懷。認識以下各種情境的常見「保重」說法。 ...



無繩跳繩: 小空間也能大燃脂 Jumping without the Rope
APR. 01,2024 / Analytical Editors

無繩跳繩: 小空間也能大燃脂 Jumping without the Rope

  Jumping rope has long been considered an excellent form of exercise. It not only burns calories but also improves cardiovascular health and strengthens core muscles. Anyone who has used a traditional jump rope, though, knows that it requires a certain level of skill and coordination. However, with the development of the cordless jump rope, this is no longer the case.
  The cordless jump rope is an innovation in the fitness industry that has gained popularity in recent years. As its name suggests, it doesn't have a cord connecting the two handles. Instead, each handle features a short cord with a weighted ball attached to the end of it. One of the major benefits of this design is its portability. With no cord that can get tangled or caught on objects, it's a great option for people who want to work out in small spaces. Cordless jump ropes are also considerably safer than traditional ones since there is no risk of tripping over cords.

  • calorie       n. 卡路里(熱量單位)
  • cordless     a. 無繩的,無線的
  • innovation   n.新發明(可數);革新,創新(不可數)


夜晚守護者的祕密 The Mystery behind Guardians of the Night
APR. 01,2024 / Enjoy Editors

夜晚守護者的祕密 The Mystery behind Guardians of the Night

Owls truly capture people's imaginations.
  Owls can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Some owls live in trees, while others make their homes on the ground. Owls are generally known for their nocturnal activity, but there are a few species that come out during the day.
   Owls are extremely quiet when they fly. Even large owls like barn owls are almost silent when they move their wings. Owls' feathers are generally larger than those of other birds and feature smooth edges. The unique shape of their feathers prevents them from making noise. Being able to fly silently helps owls catch their prey more easily. ....


  • continent   n. 洲,大陸
  • species     n.(生物)物種(單複數同形)
  • feather   n. 羽毛


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想一圓日本求職夢 先打好英、日語能力

《極限長征》算是一部調性蠻輕鬆有趣,後段也能感人的小品質感電影。有大卡司馬克華柏格〔Mark Wahlberg〕,有段蠻驚險的橋段,但重點並不在看「動作」,而是這段艱苦旅程中的「關係」和「心態」。

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