三位臺灣之光入選《時代》AI 百人榜 Three Taiwanese among Time's Most Influential in AI
JAN. 14,2025 / Analytical Editors

In early September 2024, Time magazine released its list of the “100 Most Influential People in AI 2024,” and among the prominent figures are three Taiwanese entrepreneurs. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) Chairman and CEO C.C. Wei, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Chair and CEO Lisa Su were each featured. The list, divided into four categories—Leaders, Innovators, Shapers, and Thinkers—highlights what sets these individuals apart from their peers in the field of artificial intelligence.
2024 年九月初,《時代》雜誌發布了其「2024 年 AI 領域最具影響力的百大人物」名單,其中三位臺灣企業家榜上有名。他們分別是台積電(TSMC)董事長兼執行長魏哲家、輝達執行長黃仁勳,以及超微半導體(AMD)董事長兼執行長蘇姿丰。此名單分成四個類別 —— 領袖、創新者、塑造者及思想家,並強調了這些人在人工智慧領域中與同儕不同的特點。....
- entrepreneur n. 企業家
- divide... into... 把...分成...
- set A apart from B 使 A 有別於/優於 B