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2013/05/14 第100期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Choices That Save Lives  拯救生命的決定

  It is a choice. Either you decide to be safe, or you dare to be stupid. Most people have had an alcoholic drink in their lives. Some enjoy drinking a little, while others don't know when to stop. No matter what, there is one golden rule we must all obey-never drink and drive. Every day, people around the world are killed because of drunk driving. Those losses are avoidable because drinking and driving is a choice.
  To take action against drunk driving, parents, students, and others have joined together. SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions, is an organization that was founded in the US in 1981. A high school student started it to encourage his classmates to make better decisions. Today, the group uses education to discuss the dangers of alcohol, drugs, and bad choices. Similarly, MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was formed by a mother whose 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Their mission is to prevent drunk driving and help people who suffer from it. They also educate people on making better choices and push for stricter laws. These and other groups all agree that there is no choice when it comes to drunk driving. The answer is always no.



  1. dare to + 原形動詞  膽敢(做)……
    Ann didn't dare to eat garlic while on her date because it would make her breath stink.
  2. obey vt. 遵守,服從
    The soldier refused to obey his commander's order to wait for backup.
  3. loss n. 損失(人命、錢財等)
    Amy's carelessness resulted in a big loss for the team.
  4. avoidable a. 能避免的
    By being more careful, a lot of accidents are avoidable.
  5. discuss vt. 討論;論述
    The professor will discuss the role of diet in cancer prevention in the next class.
  6. similarly adv. 相仿地;同樣地
    Many people have chosen to study abroad recently. Similarly, more people are going on working holidays.
  7. suffer from...  蒙受……(痛苦、困難、疾病等)
    Nancy suffered from depression after she gave birth to her son.
    * depression [ dI`prESJn ] n. 憂鬱症;憂鬱
  8. push for...  (努力)推動……
    The president is pushing for better health care for all the country's citizens.
  1. alcoholic a. 含酒精的
  2. golden rule n. 重要的行為準則/原則
  3. drunk a. 喝醉的
  4. destructive a. 毀滅性的
  5. alcohol n. 酒,酒類

found 作原形動詞表『創立』
本文第二段第二句中的 found 並不當作 find 的過去式或過去分詞使用,而是一及物動詞,表『創立,創辦』,其三態為 found, founded, founded。found 可用於表示『創立』組織、公司、學校、醫院、國家等,而創辦以上這些事物的『創辦人』則用 founder 一字。此外,創辦人亦可用 founding father 表示之,特別是提到某國的開國元勛時,可用"the founding father(s) of + 國家",但千萬別說成 country father 或 national father,以免貽笑大方喔!
Steve founded the rock band 10 years ago.
The Founding Fathers of the United States include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.

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