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2020/01/20 第296期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Yong-an's Historical Sites
活動快遞 「2020高雄過好年」市府小紅包出爐了 民眾可於商圈活動領取

Yong-an's Historical Sites

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting

 Ms. Syue Huei-chan is a tour guide from the Eco-educational Center in Yong-an Wetlands Park. She enjoys taking visitors around Yong-an District. Her beloved home district is located in one of Kaohsiung City's coastal districts and has plenty of interesting places to see. There are numerous fish farms, historical paintings of salt flats, beaches, traditional architecture, and Yong-an Wetlands Park.

 The traditional, three-sided courtyard homes are still very common in Yantian. The fishing village is a gem, and visitors come from afar to see it. Ms. Syue's tours showcase the community's natural way of life and their daily routines. Visitors find it authentic and captivating.

Yongan Wetlands Park was once Wushulin Village and previously organized around salt production. In 1908, salt industry professionals moved from Tainan to settle in Yantian. Wushulin salt flats began production during Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan. In its heyday, the salt flats had once covered 100 ha. In 1984, Taiwan Power Company took over the Wushulin Salt Factory and later terminated production.

Yantian's community decided their rich history was worth preserving. Paintings on the community's traditional brick homes commemorate the glory of the historical salt flats. Paintings depict workers carrying salt baskets, salt patrol police, salt vendors, locals drying fish and locals carrying out daily activities, such as going to the grocery store, barber shop and eating at traditional vendors, etc. The wall paintings beautifully capture the traditional lifestyle of the community when it was a key salt producer. The salt flats were previously owned by the government, so paintings also depict how the police previously monitored the flats and prevented theft. The wall paintings have turned Yantian Community into a tourist destination. The paintings can be found mostly along Sinsing Road but are also found on Youngda Road. Local residents are extremely proud of their community's rich history and are very hospitable and friendly towards visitors.

Diamond Beach

Diamond Beach is almost 3 kilometers long and can be accessed from Shihban Road, which is located in the Singang Community. Countless tiny shells are washed up along the beach, glimmering like diamonds in the sun. There is also an art installation along the beach. This collaboration was created by the Singang residents. They depict birds found in the region. The beach is the residents' pride and joy; therefore, it is meticulously maintained. They often organize volunteer beach cleanup events and actively preserve the natural maritime landscape.

「2020高雄過好年」市府小紅包出爐了 民眾可於商圈活動領取


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