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2022/09/05 第345期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Explore the World's First Mixed Reality Theater in Kaohsiung!
活動快遞 仁寶新設亞灣5G研發中心 5年內高雄打造千人研發團隊 陳其邁:合作成為全球5G應用最好的地方

Explore the World's First Mixed Reality Theater in Kaohsiung!
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Carter
Building on the stunning visual experience now possible via VR technology, the world's first mixed-reality (MR) theater, called Moondream Reality, has been established in Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung. The theater employs interactive technology to bring characters vividly to life in front of participants' eyes. Those who enter this domain find themselves surrounded by immersive projections that they can freely explore, while interacting with virtual characters and enjoying an unrivaled and unprecedented all-embracing experience.
In the popular work Flight of the Flamingos, participants find themselves in a colorful wetland inhabited by flamingos. When they open their hands, a bird's egg emerges. A little flamingo pops out of the egg, and it then spreads its wings. Flight of the Flamingos makes it possible for participants to experience everything from raising newborn flamingos to taking care of adult birds. Grown-up flamingos also invite gamers to join their parties, which feature incredible music.
“Mixed-reality theater treats the entire environment as a carrier and canvas for multimedia, and uses projection and laser sensing to create an integrated experience of the virtual and the real in an open space,” says Ami Wu, head of MoonShine Animation's Interactive Department.
Moondream Reality Co., Ltd., which operates the theater, is a subsidiary of MoonShine Animation, a company specializing in animation production and somatosensory imaging. Wu says that the theater serves as a venue for Kaohsiung's VR applications. Its core goals, she explains, include being a stage on which new media artists and teams can play, and a place where they can present high-quality works to audiences.  
Rebirth is the result of a collaboration between Moondream Reality and FervorTaiwan Theater Troupe. The show was inspired by Dijiang, the mountain god who sings and dances in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (also known as Shan Hai Jing, a Chinese classic text). Guided by the sound of drums, participants wander into a magical forest beneath stars and a bright moon to explore the legend of Dijiang and the monsters that appear in Chinese mythology. Using the MR devices, audience members can beat drums, as cranes are transformed into the monsters and spirits that float around. The legendary world of gods and monsters thus comes vividly to life in front of the audience's eyes.
The MR theater is a doorway into the virtual world, and its leaders hope to collaborate with more creators. It is conceivable that, in the near future, immersive concerts featuring close-range interaction with singers, as well as somatosensory museums featuring real-time recreations of historical events, will become commonplace. Thanks to the region's advanced technologies and industries, Asia's New Bay Area is becoming a pioneer in the field of 5G interactive entertainment.
Moondream Reality 夢境現實
Location: Kaohsiung Music Center (Whale Promenade 01)
Open: 1:30 pm to 8 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday; closed Monday to Thursday.
Website: https://moondreamreality.com/
仁寶新設亞灣5G研發中心 5年內高雄打造千人研發團隊 陳其邁:合作成為全球5G應用最好的地方

全球資通訊科技領導大廠仁寶集團,繼上(7)個月在高雄設立研發中心,今(18)日集團董事長許勝雄召開記者會宣布加碼成立亞灣5G AIoT研發中心,攜手高通(Qualcomm)與新創共同開拓5G AIoT應用商機,預計未來五年在高雄建立千人的研發團隊。高雄市長陳其邁應邀致詞時說,高雄市府有效率有經驗,是仁寶最佳合作夥伴,成為全球5G應用最好的地方。…

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