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2022/11/14 第350期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 2022 Creative Expo Taiwan×Taiwan Design Expo in Kaohsiung
活動快遞 2022年11月藝文活動月刊

2022 Creative Expo Taiwan×Taiwan Design Expo in Kaohsiung
◎Written by Li Ding-yuan
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Huang Jing-wun
◎Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Kaohsiung's cultural and creative energy has been booming due to the success of the 2022 Creative Expo Taiwan, showcased in August, and Taiwan Design Expo'22, which is held from July to October. These creative exhibitions aim to promote designers and creative artists from all over Taiwan.  

The grand event, Taiwan Design Expo'22 in Kaohsiung twdesign.tw, promotes various exhibitions and features Kaohsiung's cultural attractions and artistic talents. One of the programs, “Design Tours,” includes thirty themed tours and one hundred in-depth tours.
Also, the cute LINE stickers designed by 6 Kaohsiung creators are transformed into giant inflatable installations and float on the Love River. It has become Kaohsiung's newest tourist attraction and highlights the city's creative and cultural spirit.
The tour features Kaohsiung's fantastic historical architecture and focuses on Kaohsiung Port Exhibition, held more than 90 years ago at the recently renovated, century-old historic Former Patriotic Women's Association Hall. People can also appreciate the architectural grandeur at Kaohsiung Harbor Museum, Hamasen Trader Building, Syongjhen North Gate, North Tower (Takao Railway Museum), and Red Brick House in Shinhama District 1-chome.
Kaohsiung's Deputy Mayor Shih Che felt the historical 1931 Kaohsiung Port Exhibition and the 1935 Taiwan Expo were great events that brought to light Kaohsiung's wide range of industries and featured its architecture, arts, and local products. These events also highlight Kaohsiung's development and Taiwanese innovation.
Kaohsiung City Government's Cultural Affairs Bureau felt “the exhibition demonstrates the city's brilliant historical architecture and diverse culture. It also demonstrates the city's thriving creative splendor and highlights its many transformations in transportation, food, music, movies, and digital technology.”
The event allows visitors to get a deeper understanding of the city's century-old historical buildings and the various exhibitions showcasing Kaohsiung's creativity and design talent. It also provides an international spotlight on the city's individuality and novel maritime culture.
2022 Creative Expo Taiwan × Taiwan Design Expo in Kaohsiung
2022臺灣文博會x台灣設計展 在高雄
Website: https://twdesign.tw/


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