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2023/01/09 第354期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Illustrator Lin Jia-dong Showcases Kaohsiung's Rural Towns
活動快遞 水岸十萬繁花綻放迎新年

Illustrator Lin Jia-dong Showcases Kaohsiung's Rural Towns
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Illustrations by Lin Jia-dong
 Kaohsiung City Government's new 2023 calendar is one of illustrator Lin Jia-dong's most recent works. He was born and raised in Meinong. The calendar showcases Kaohsiung's picturesque attractions. Its central focus is a gentleman and lady sitting together enjoying a meal, with a backdrop of numerous billboards advertising regional gourmet restaurants and food specialties. Crowds also mingle in the background as they go about their daily lives. It is a captivating calendar.
 Jia-dong leads visitors around Kaohsiung's towns through his illustrations, which showcase Kaohsiung's picturesque attractions. Cishan, Meinong, Liouguei, and Cieding Wetland Park are four of his favorite places on his list. His work captures intriguing moments in people's mundane daily lives that often get missed. Lin Jia-dong highly recommends visitors from other cities to come and see Meinong. When he returns to Meinong, he enjoys chatting with friends at the previous police station that has been converted into a cultural center.  
※Changmei Ice Shop
 The long-established Changmei Ice Shop is highly recommended for Cishan's visitors. It is a truly iconic shop in the town, well-known for its desserts and relaxing ambiance.

※Sinwei Forest Park
 Sinwei Forest Park is Lin Jia-dong's favorite summer retreat. It features mahogany tree-lined paths and panoramic views of neighboring Maolin.

※SCieding Wetland Park
 Cieding Wetland Park is in the northern part of Kaohsiung. With its numerous waterbirds, Lin Jia-dong recommends visitors to walk along the seawall and stay to watch the sunset. Jia-dong said that he particularly likes its vast natural landscape.

Ruh Cafe No.1
 Ruh Cafe No.1 is where Lin Jia-dong gets his coffee to go. Interestingly, he has always admired the shop's distinctive design. He then discovered that one of his friends had been the designer. Therefore, he feels a tremendous connection with the store.

Meinong Shihsingding Hill
 Since he was a child, Jia-dong has always loved Meinong's Shihsingding Hill for its panoramic views of the surrounding Longdu plains. Wugu temple is also located on top of the hill. The temple serves as a worship center for the Meinong community. He always enjoys the lively ambiance of Hakka festivals and religious ceremonies.

Changmei Ice Shop 常美冰店
No. 99, Wunjhong Rd., Cishan Dist., Kaohsiung City
Sinwei Forest Park 新威森林公園
No. 171, Sinwei, Liouguei Dist., Kaohsiung City
Ruh Cafe No.1 路人咖啡一號店
No. 217, Sihwei 3rd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City
Meinong Shihsingding Chaotian Wugu Temple 美濃獅形頂朝天五穀宮
No. 18, Gueishan St., Shihshan Vil., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City


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