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2024/09/16 第399期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Fitness and Well-being for All Ages
活動快遞 2024年9月藝文活動月刊

Fitness and Well-being for All Ages
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Li Guei-sian
◎Photo courtesy of Fongshan Daycare Center's Senior Fitness Center

 The Lotus Pond Water Sports Center(蓮池潭水域運動中心), in collaboration with Fun Outdoor Adventure School(瘋戶外冒險學校), offers various non-motorized water activities, including SUP, dragon boat boards, canoes, and OP sailboats, along with professional training courses. If playing on the water is not enough, there are also challenging land-based adventure activities such as treetop walks and tree climbing. On both water and land, professional coaches lead group competitions to make these activities more fun. Even those who are afraid of water can experience the joy of canoeing!
 Love River meanders through the heart of Kaohsiung, and its calm waters are suitable for various types of hand-paddled boats and non-motorized water activities. Currently, Kaohsiung City Government has established launch points and floating docks at several locations, including the Heart of Love River(愛河之心), the Vision Bridge(願景橋), the Love River Water Recreation Center(愛河水上遊憩中心), and the Love River Bay(愛河灣). During these facilities’ opening hours, enthusiasts can bring their own flotation devices, put on life jackets, scan a QR code for safety instructions, and then complete real-name registration before enjoying water activities.

Photo by Li Guei-sian

 Among them is the Zuoying Sports Center(左營運動中心), located next to the Kaohsiung National Stadium(世運主場館). It offers various facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and sports programs for a variety of age groups, ranging from children's swimming classes to aerobics for adults to specialized fitness courses for seniors. The center integrates green and ecological spaces, which enriches the center's health and fitness ambiance.
 If seniors want to exercise closer to home, they can join the senior fitness clubs or the community gyms. These facilities provide a comfortable exercise environment with smart equipment, such as the "Smart Circular Fitness System," which ensures proper exercise techniques and safety while using the equipment.

Photo by Li Guei-sian

  At the Chang-sheng Comprehensive Senior Fitness Club(長生全方位銀髮健身俱樂部)in Central Park, certified instructors run a variety of fun fitness activities that prevent age-related challenges. These include rope ladder training to maintain good reaction times and battle ropes to increase muscle endurance.

Photo by Li Guei-sian

  Located near Zihciang Park, the Fongshan Daycare Center's(鳳山日照中心)smart gym recently installed four circular exercise machines and one full-body vertical vibration machine. Exercise classes are offered on Tuesdays from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The center provides high-quality, affordable classes that encourage regular physical activity and promote healthy aging.

Photo courtesy of Fongshan Daycare Center's Senior Fitness Center
Kaohsiung Zuoying Sports Center

No. 100, Shiyun Blvd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City
Chang-sheng Comprehensive Senior Fitness Club

No. 30, Jhonghua 3rd Rd., Cianjin Dist., Kaohsiung City
Taiwan Kuan-Lin Caring Association

N1F, No. 67, Shengguo St., Fongshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
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