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2024/11/25 第404期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Experience an Urban Oasis: The Newly Renovated Niaosong Wetland Park and Chengcing Lake
活動快遞 2024大海開吃 X Croter藝術裝置!高雄彌陀漁港超好拍

Experience an Urban Oasis: The Newly Renovated Niaosong Wetland Park and Chengcing Lake
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao 
◎Photos by Li Guei-sian, Huang Jing-wun 
◎Photos courtesy of Tourism Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society
Photo courtesy of Tourism Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

 Niaosong Wetland Park(鳥松濕地公園)and Chengcing Lake Scenic Area(澄清湖園區)offer picturesque retreats for those who enjoy natural surroundings and seek tranquility, away from the daily hustle and bustle of the city.
 This year, the city government completed extensive renovations and upgrades to both Niaosong Wetland Park's wooden trail and Chengcing Lake's main entrance, giving them a fresh updated look. These improvements enhance their natural beauty and create inviting destinations for visitors seeking relaxation amid natural surroundings.

Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society

 The newly renovated Niaosong Wetland Park now features an ecological corridor. The updated elevated wooden trail offers scenic panoramic views and a greater sense of space. The space under the newly installed trail also allows for a safe crossing and potential habitat for small animals, which also contributes to the natural surroundings and allows for humans and nature to coexist harmoniously.

Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society

 Similarly, in keeping with net-zero goals, Chengcing Lake’s main entrance was designed to reduce carbon emissions. The project replaced outdated features such as old paths, the green installation art, and water features, creating a more streamlined open space. LED lighting has also been added to enhance the landmark's enchanting atmosphere and safety for visitors and local residents alike.

Photo by Li Guei-sian

 Niaosong Wetland Park and Chengcing Lake, with their abilities to regulate temperature and purify the environment, contribute to Kaohsiung's efforts of becoming carbon neutral. Renovations have also focused on improving visitors' experiences by promoting a deeper connection between people and nature. The upgrades not only aim to make the wetland and lake more popular natural venues, but also provide educational spaces where visitors can learn about the area's ecology.

Photo by Huang Jing-wun

Chengcing Lake Scenic Area & Niaosong Wetland Park 澄清湖風景區&鳥松濕地公園
Address: No. 32, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City
(The wetland park is located to the left of Chengcing Lake Scenic Area's main entrance)

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