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2025/02/03 第409期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Fengpitou Archeology Education Center: A Journey through Millennia of Culture
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Fengpitou Archeology Education Center: A Journey through Millennia of Culture
◎Written by Winnie
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Carter
◎Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Photo by Carter

 What were the lives of people in Kaohsiung like 5,000 years ago? If you've ever wondered about prehistoric Kaohsiung, a visit to Fengpitou Archeology Education Center(鳳鼻頭考古教育館)might answer your questions. Nestled at the foot of Fengpitou Archaeological Site(鳳鼻頭遺址), the center's simple and bright design was achieved using freight containers. It serves as both a preservation hub for Fengpitou's cultural heritage and an educational center for archaeological knowledge.

Photo by Carter

 Fengpitou Archaeological Site, located at the southern end of the Fongshan Hills, is composed of uplifted coral limestone. It was discovered in the 1940s by a Japanese researcher, Sueo Kaneko(金子壽衛男), and initially named Jhongkengmen Shell Midden(中坑門貝塚). Toward the end of World War II, Kiyotari Tsuboi(坪井清足) — a Japanese archaeologist then serving in his country's military — uncovered cultural strata at the site while digging trenches.

Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government

 Research continued after the war, and in 1952 the site was officially named Fengpitou. According to an archaeology supervisor from the Cultural Heritage Center of the Bureau of Cultural Affairs(文化局文化資產中心), it was the first archaeological site in Taiwan to receive international recognition. The site was designated a national monument in 2000 and a national heritage site in 2006.

Photo by Carter

 Fengpitou Archeology Education Center not only meticulously preserves this historical treasure but also brings history into the present through diverse educational programs, workshops, and guided tours of the site. These activities allow visitors to uncover the mysteries of prehistoric times and to learn essential archaeological principles, integrating history into everyday life.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

Fengpitou Archeology Education Center 鳳鼻頭考古教育館
Intersection of Daan Rd. and Daan 10th St., Linyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City
(07) 645-1327

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