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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2022/05/18 第761期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份










A Love Letter to Taiwan

Huang Tu-shui’s Water of Immortality

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” These words from the biblical Book of Job perhaps aptly describe how people feel upon seeing Huang Tu-shui’s Water of Immortality, the first marble sculpture of a female nude in the history of Taiwanese art.










Having seemingly vanished into thin air, the once-­celebrated Water of Immortality became a legend in art history. “Anyone who has studied the history of art in Taiwan will have heard of this work,” says Lin Mun-lee, a researcher who specializes in Taiwan’s art education and who currently chairs the National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF).

Lin, who is also a professor emerita of arts and design at National Taipei University of Education, as well as director of MoNTUE, organized an exhibition entitled The Everlasting Bloom: Rediscovering Taiwanese Modern Art at the museum two years ago. Among the artworks on display was Huang Tu-shui’s unique Bust of a Girl, which was warmly received by the public.

Encouraged by this success, Lin made plans for Lumière: The Enlightenment and Self-Awakening of Taiwanese Culture, an exhibition intended to celebrate the centen­ary of the Taiwan Cultural Association.

“Heaven helps those who help themselves,” Lin says. Helpers, including President Tsai Ing-wen, came from all quarters to build bridges for her. Eventually she met Chang Shi-wen, a son of Chang Hong-biao. Many ­people before Lin had heard that Huang’s sculpture was in the care of the Chang family, but all offers to buy it had been rebuffed. During their meeting, however, Chang felt that the time was ripe, and without a second thought he invited Lin to come and take the sculpture away.

And so it was that at 4.30 p.m. on May 6, 2021, inside a factory in Wufeng, encircled by some 20 members of the Chang family, along with Lin Mun-lee and Japan­ese conservator Junichi Mori, Water of Immortality—which had languished in a wooden crate for 47 years, wrapped in linen and plastic fabric—at last saw the light of day again.

  中文文章 英文文章
  1. 「風聞有?,親眼見?」,這段來自《聖經•約伯記》裡的話,或許也是許多人初見〈甘露水〉的絕佳寫照。
    “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” These words from the biblical Book of Job perhaps aptly describe how people feel upon seeing Huang Tu-shui’s Water of Immortality, the first marble sculpture of a female nude in the history of Taiwanese art.


  • biblical 《聖經》的;《聖經》中的
    Several songs draw directly from biblical stories.
  1. 〈甘露水〉在1921年入選第三屆日本帝國美術展覽會(簡稱「帝展」),殖民時代,來自台灣的藝術家能獲得如此殊榮,不僅報章雜誌大篇幅報導,也為台灣人帶來莫大的鼓舞。
    In 1921 Water of Immortality was selected for the third Imperial Art Exhibition in Japan. As it was rare in that colonial era for a Taiwanese artist to receive such an honor, not only did the press lavish attention on Huang Tu-shui’s achievement, but the news also lifted the spirits of the public at large.
  • lavish 浪費;濫用;慷慨給予
    She lavished time and money on her cat.



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