1. 氣象數值預報匯集各種觀測資料,進行預測,但廣大遼闊的海洋沒有氣象站,缺乏現地觀測資料。
Meteorological forecasts draw on a variety of measurements, but the ocean’s huge size and lack of weather stations means that in situ observations are unavailable for vast areas of it.
◎ in situ ph.【拉】在原處;在原位置
The platform is still in situ today and has been carefully maintained.
2. 若能成功送上太空服役,將成為台灣太空產業進軍國際的重要績效。
Its successful operation in space will represent an opportunity for Taiwan’s space industry to join the international supply chain and make headway in the international market.
◎ headway n.[U](船等的)前進;進展
The second infantry attack made considerable headway.