1. 被稱作「吃草的民族」的阿美族人,憑著在自然中走跳的敏銳本能,雖有農耕文化,日常三餐仍偏好就地取材。
Sometimes known as “the grazing people,” the otherwise agrarian Amis regularly forage for ingredients.
◎ forage vi.搜索糧秣;搜尋
They foraged morning and evening on berries, grass and seaweed. Good grief!
2. 在這個深冬,餐廳推出了別開生面的全肉類野味套餐。
This winter, the restaurant has introduced yet another new twist: a 100% game meat prix-fixe menu.
◎ prix-fixe menu 固定價錢的套餐
The $100 prix fixe menu includes seven courses that all feature Wagyu beef.