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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/05/08 第860期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份










Paeans to Life:

The Secrets of Crow Butterflies

Every year, as the cold of winter begins to set in, crow butterflies quietly embark on their migration to the south. Hundreds of thousands of them gravitate towards Taiwan’s tropical valleys to winter there, bestowing a mystical allure upon these places. As warm weather returns, they begin to move north again. With upwards of 10,000 per minute flying across certain sections of the island’s highways, the spectacle is simply breathtaking.




Priority for butterflies

Chan reveals that he used to dream of chasing after rare butterflies. Common in many places across Taiwan, crow butterflies didn’t spark his enthusiasm. It was during a visit to a butterfly valley, where tens of thousands of crow butterflies gathered, that he was bowled over by the sheer grandeur of the scene. He wondered how these tiny insects could ever have come together to achieve such mind-­boggling sublimity, and the idea of probing the secrets of their migrations began to form in his mind.



Having marked one crow butterfly after another and tracked their movements, Chan and the volunteers gradually obtained a fuller picture of the migration routes. The section of National Highway 3 that runs through Linnei in Yunlin County crosses the northward migration route that crow butterflies follow in spring. The fast-moving traffic here is deadly for the fragile migrants. Thanks to a campaign launched by Chan and his colleagues, the highway authorities set up measures to help the butterflies get across safely. In addition to protective netting on either side of the freeway, which encourages the ­butterflies to fly higher, a stretch of the outer lane is closed whenever the number of butterflies crossing here exceeds 250 per minute. Measures like these are rare anywhere in the world. In 2007 Chan won the overseas category of the Japan Fashion Association’s Creation Awards for his lifelong dedication to protecting Taiwan’s crow butterflies.

  中文文章 英文文章
  1. 如此微小卻動人的紫斑蝶,就是生命最好的禮讚。
    Tiny but startlingly beautiful, Taiwan’s crow butterflies are themselves inspirational paeans to life.


  • paean讚歌; 凱歌
    The poet utters paeans to Queen Victoria.


  1. 牠的靈魂跟你的靈魂想法雖然不一樣,可是牠一生的歷程跟人類一樣,有快樂也有痛苦,牠們的一生也很精彩。
    Its intelligence may be different from yours, but the trajectory of its life is interspersed with moments of happiness and anguish, much like that of a human being.


  • interspersed     散置的;點綴的
    The gardens are interspersed with lovely historic buildings.


  1. 我們不知道一種蝴蝶的消失會帶來什麼骨牌效應。
    We cannot fully predict the concatenation of ecological events that may be brought about by the extinction of a particular butterfly species.


  • concatenation 一連串有關聯的事件
    One problem with traditional concatenation is inflexibility.



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