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Feb. 15, 2005
¾Ç­ûªº·s¦~°²´Á¹L±o¶}¤ß¶Ü? ¬Q¤Ñ¬O¦è¬v±¡¤H¸`¡A¥©§J¤O°eµ¹¤ß»ö¹ï¶H¤F¶Ü? ©M±¡¤H¤@°_«×¹L®öº©ªº©]±ß¤F¶Ü? ÁÙ¬O§A±q¨Ó¤£¹L±¡¤H¸`¡A¥u¬O¦~°²©ñ§¹ÁÙ¨S¦¬¤ß©O? ¤£ºÞ¦p¦ó¡Aª÷Âû¦~ÂŪޭ^»y¤@©w·|À°§U§A¾Ç¦n­^¤å¡C

Legend has it that the holiday became Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine. Valentine was a priest in Rome... <¸Ô¥þ¤å>

take advantage of
He always took advantage of good people.

have a talent for ¡K
She has a talent for negotiating with others.

I need to change lines twice to get there.
transfer twice

­Y­n¤H¤£ª¾ °£«D¤w²ö¬°
  If you don't want people to find out, you'd better not do it.

Finders keepers (, loser weepers).
Hey, there is a ten-dollar bill! Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Nations back UN's tsunami plan for the Indian Ocean
Nations rallied behind plans for a network to detect tsunamis in the Indian Ocean and warn coastal residents of the danger, and pledged millions of US dollars for the UN to lead the effort to build one. A tsunami alert system for the Indian Ocean has become a priority since the Dec. 26 tsunami, triggered by a powerful earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, killed an estimated 210,000 people in Asia and Africa.



Far Eastern announces extra flights
Taiwanese people in China now have another way to return home for the Lunar New Year holiday. The indirect flights by Far Eastern Air Transport Corp offer a cheap price tag as the carrier seeks an advantage in a head-to-head competition with several Taiwanese and Chinese carriers that are providing charter flights for Taiwanese businessmen and their relatives between Jan. 29 and Feb. 20.




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