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2021/02/05 第552期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 酒吧與酒杯
【英語學習Plus】 月亮的明鏡
【本月發燒書】 高中進階英單完全掌握:主題式速記學測高頻單字(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★經典故事,一次收藏★原著雙語經典讀本套書【彩圖平裝版】9書特價中


? What would you like to drink?

? Whiskey and water, please.

? I'd like a Scotch on the rocks.

? Two beers, please.

? I'll have a martini.

? What's your special cocktail?

? Do you have any snacks?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「酒吧與酒杯」

月亮的明鏡 The Moon's Mirror

Some call it the "Moon's Mirror" because of its oval shape and still, clear waters. Others call it the "Angel's Tear" because of its deep blue color. Chiaming Lake isn't the largest lake in Taiwan, but to many, it is the most beautiful.

People used to think the lake formed 3,000 years ago when a meteor fell from space and hit the mountain. But in fact, it is even older than that—around 7,000 years old. And it really formed when a large river of ice cut out a piece of the mountain.

The lake is not easy to get to, however. At 3,310 m high, it is the second highest lake in Taiwan. Reaching it takes many hours of difficult hiking through the mountains near Taitung. But don't let that put you off. Many people make the long and difficult journey each year. And they all say it's worth it!



然而,要抵達嘉明湖並非易事。嘉明湖位於海拔 3,310 公尺的高山,堪稱台灣第二高的湖泊。要到嘉明湖,需穿越台東附近的山脈,費盡數小時路途艱困的登山步道才行。不過別因此卻步了。每年還是有許多人克服漫長困難的征程,異口同聲不虛此行呢!


隱形人 The Invisible Man 【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

歐亨利短篇小說選 The Best Short Stories of O. Henry【二版】(原著雙語彩圖本25K)

彩圖初級英文文法Let's See!【四版】 (菊8K+解答別冊)

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