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2021/11/05 第590期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 吃早餐要用eat還是have?
【英語學習Plus】 A New Era for Social Media? 社群媒體的新世代?
【本月發燒書】 中級英文寫作贏戰攻略:全民英檢/學測作文必修(16K彩色+解答別冊)
【好康情報局】 新書快報★心智圖神奇記憶初級英文文法★圖像記憶更快速



美式:Ming Corning is usually too busy to eat breakfast/have breakfast in the morning.
英式:Ming Corning is usually too busy to have breakfast in the morning.

★英國人會說 have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner,認為 eat breakfast 等犯了文法錯誤。
★美國人可以 eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper,也可以 have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper。
Kate Skinner ate a hearty dinner. = Kate Skinner had a hearty dinner.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「吃早餐要用eat還是have?」

A New Era for Social Media? 社群媒體的新世代?

How many people have a Facebook account? One hundred million? A billion? Try 1.9 billion! That's almost 30% of the world's population sharing their lives online.

However, if you ask many teenagers, they'll tell you that they don't use Facebook much. That's because a new generation of social networking apps has arisen for a new generation of online users. And while Facebook is still the king of the Internet, young people increasingly connect through platforms like Instagram and Snapchat instead.

There are a couple of reasons for this shift. First, Instagram and Snapchat are generally accessed through mobile apps. Anyone sitting in a restaurant can see that most people nowadays like connecting online through their phones rather than while sitting at computers. This is especially true for teens, so the mobility of these apps makes them much more attractive to the young than a web-based site.

Moreover, sites like Facebook and Google+ mainly allow users to share stories about their lives. However, newer social media apps are much more focused on simply sharing images and videos. This appeals to younger users, who deal much more in visuals than in written information. Instagram, for example, doesn't even have a wall for people to post status updates on. Snapchat has become popular for its cute and often entertaining photo filters.

Finally, there is the element of secrecy. As Facebook has become ever common for everyone, many teens see it as their parents' social media. A big advantage of Snapchat is its privacy, and the ability to share photos and connect with friends without older relatives' knowledge. "Snaps" can be shared with a select group of people before being automatically deleted forever. This gives teens their own online space, away from the adult world.

Of course, social media is still a relatively new phenomenon. As technology rapidly changes, there will always be new ways for people to stay in touch and share their lives.


不過,如果問問大多數的青少年,他們會說自己不太使用臉書。這是因為新世代的社群網路應用程式,已因應新一代的網路用戶而生。雖然臉書仍是網 路之王,但透過Instagram和Snapchat等平臺互相交流的年輕人已逐漸增加。


此外,臉書和Google+主要是讓用戶分享生活點滴。不過,推陳出新的社群媒體應用程式,則著重於分享照片與影片。這種模式吸引了偏好視覺元素而非 文字資訊的年輕族群。以Instagram為例,根本沒有所謂的「塗鴉牆」可供人發表最新動態。Snapchat知名度大開的原因,在於具娛樂效果的可愛照片濾鏡。



──選自《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 1)【四版】(16K+1MP3)》




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