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2022/02/18 第605期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 用手機結帳
【英語學習Plus】 Climate 台灣的氣候
【本月發燒書】 中西節慶文化英語(16K彩色+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★Back to School x 寂天開學書展★通路書79折



★ Three major forms of payment (三種主要的付款形式)
1. Hold your phone near the contactless reader (將手機拿近非接觸式讀取器)
2. Display the QR code or barcode on your phone and have it scanned (出示手機上的QR 碼或條碼,並給商家掃描)
3. Scan the QR code provided by the business with your phone (用手機掃描商家提供的QR碼)

★ Useful Expressions
A:Do you accept credit cards?/ Do you take American Express?
B:Yes. We accept all types of credit cards./ No. We only accept cash here.

A:I'll pay with my phone. Do you accept Apple Pay?
B:Yes, we accept all major digital wallet services.
A:我要用手機付錢,你們可以用Apple Pay 嗎?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「用手機結帳」

Climate 台灣的氣候

Taiwan's climate is hot and rainy, making it easy for plants to grow. Around 2,500 mm of rain falls on Taiwan every year. The Tropic of Cancer crosses central Taiwan, which makes Taiwan's climate half tropical and half subtropical.

It can be extremely hot in summer. The temperature seldom drops below 30 degrees Celsius and the humidity is high. It's a great time to enjoy the cool mountains and a variety of water activities. Visitors are suggested to wear hats and sunglasses and put on sunscreen as well.

From July to October is the typhoon season. Several typhoons pass by or hit Taiwan during this time of year. These storms can be fierce and cause great damage. Visitors must avoid coastal areas and offshore islands during a typhoon.

In spring, the weather tends to be mild and pleasant. It's the perfect time to visit scenic spots outside the cities and enjoy a wide variety of flower blossoms.

The Plum Rain Season comes in mid-May and lasts until June. During this time, it is quite likely that you will be caught in a shower. An umbrella is a must for tourists during the rainy season.

In autumn, it is cool and the humidity starts to drop. It is as pleasant in autumn as in spring.

Although Taiwan is very hot, the north can get quite cold during the winter. It can get even colder at the summits of Taiwan's high mountains. Up there, the temperature can drop to as low as -10 degrees Celsius. There is even snow on the ground. People travel to the mountains, such as Mount Hehuan, just to see the snow. So, don't forget to pack some warm clothes if you're visiting Taiwan at this time of year.

Taiwan has lots of things to see. There are beautiful temples and crowded night markets in almost every city. Just outside the cities is the countryside, which is often spectacular, with beautiful mountains, rivers, and forests. There are also several flower seasons in Taiwan. Each of them has its own unique features and is very eye-catching. Every year, during the cherry blossom season, families go to places like Alishan, Yangmingshan, and Wulai to see these delicate pink blossoms.

台灣的氣候炎熱多雨,適合植物生長,每年雨量約2,500 公釐。北回歸線橫越台灣中部,因此台灣的氣候一半是熱帶,一半是亞熱帶。

台灣夏季酷熱,溫度很少低於攝氏30 度,濕度又高,適合享受涼爽的山林和各種水上活動。遊客最好戴上帽子和太陽眼鏡,同時塗上防曬油。






台灣有很多事物值得欣賞,幾乎每個城市都有美麗的廟宇和擁擠的夜市。城市外圍就是鄉間,通常美麗壯觀,有優美的山川與森林。台灣還有好幾個花季,每個花季都獨具特色,非常吸睛。每年在櫻花盛開的季節,人們往往闔家前往阿里山、陽明山、 烏來等地,欣賞這些雅緻的粉紅色花朵。

──選自《用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 【彩圖四版】(16K +解答別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》


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