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9999/12/31 第653期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 聊聊電視節目與電影
【英語學習Plus】 Happy New—Shhh!噓!新年別大聲嚷嚷
【本月發燒書】 勇奪新制多益950:完整3回實戰演練+試題完全解密攻略【雙書附解析】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 2023年線上國際書展 ★


★ 聊電影電視必用單字!
TV set 電視機
remote (control) 遙控器
TV program 電視節目
movie theater/cinema電影院

★ Maybe we can try an Internet TV provider. 也許我們可以試試網路電視。
G:What’s on TV today?
D:I think there’s a reality show on.
G:Do you feel like watching it?I’d really like to see it.
D:Well. I really wanted to see the soap opera Dark. This is the season finale.
G:Maybe we can try an Internet TV provider like Netflix.
也許我們可試試網路電視,像是Netfl ix。
D:Great idea! Then we can each watch our favorite TV program anytime.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「聊聊電視節目與電影」

Happy New—Shhh!噓!新年別大聲嚷嚷

Say the words "Happy New Year" and you'll probably think of fireworks, parties, and cheers. But not in Bali, Indonesia. There, the people spend the first day of each new year in peace and quiet.

Its name is Nyepi, or Silent Day. For 24 hours, no one can leave their house, make loud noises, or use electricity or fire. Many people also don't eat anything all day. The idea is to clean your body and mind before you begin the new year.

Everyone must treat Nyepi seriously, even tourists. Only special police can be out on the streets. They are there to make sure no one breaks the rules!

Nyepi might not sound like much fun. But if you can make it through the day, you'll get a surprise. Because all lights are off during Nyepi, at night you can clearly see millions of stars in the sky! To me, that’s way better than fireworks!


這一天叫做「寧靜日/安寧日」(印尼文為「Nyepi」),在這 24 小時內,沒有人會離開屋內、大聲喧嘩、使用電力或生火,許多人還會全日禁食。這麼做是為了在新的一年開始前,好好淨化身心靈。



──選自《讀出英語核心素養 1:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》


小王子 The Little Prince(25K英漢典藏版+中英情境故事有聲書APP)


Step by Step圖解狄克生片語:一本學會470個關鍵日常英文片語【背誦版】(25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

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