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2022/03/17 第660期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 St. Patrick's Day Parade 聖派屈克節遊行
【本月發燒書】 高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP版)
【好康情報局】 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】

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St. Patrick's Day Parade 聖派屈克節遊行

The St. Patrick's Day parade has been a proud tradition of this town for over 50 years. It began as a way to honor the contributions of immigrants in building this country. Now it has become a key part of our community. It is an event that everyone looks forward to each year. When the snow begins to melt, we know that the St. Patrick's Day parade is just around the corner.

This year's parade will be one for the history books. For the first time ever, citizens from other towns will be participating. Each town will build its own float. On parade day, these floats will move along the usual parade route. After that, everyone will be able to vote for his or her favorite float. The winning town will earn the title of "Float King"—at least until next year's parade.

超過50年的時間,聖派屈克節遊行一直是本城鎮引以為傲的傳統。此節日的用意在於向擁有建國貢獻的移民致敬,現已成為我們社區的重要節慶。大家每年均引頸期盼此活動的到來,只要到了融雪的時節,就知道聖 派屈克節遊行即將來臨。

今年的遊行規模將名留青史,這是首次有其他城鎮的居民共襄盛舉, 每個城鎮將建造自己的花車。活動當日,所有花車將沿著往常的路線遊 行。遊行結束後,每個人都能投票選出自己最喜歡的花車,獲選的城鎮即 可贏得「花車王」的頭銜,直到明年的遊行再次選出。

──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 4:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

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