Described by one of his lovers as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know," Lord Byron is known as one of England’s greatest poets, whose personality caused as much of a sensation as his poetry.
A series of shocking affairs and huge debts caused Byron to leave England in 1816, and he spent the rest of his life in a self-imposed exile in Europe. While fighting for the Greeks in their war of independence against the Turks, Byron contracted a fever and died at the young age of 36, cementing his legend as a tragic, romantic hero.
Many biographies of Byron have been written over the years. To find information about a specific part of Byron's life quickly, take a look at the index on the next page. An index is ordered alphabetically, with people entered according to their surnames. After each entry you'll find the page numbers on which the topic is mentioned. William Scott, for example, is mentioned on page 376. Use the pictured index on the next page to answer the following questions.
一系列震驚社會的緋聞和鉅額負債,使他在1816 年離開英國,終其餘生自願流放歐洲。後來在希臘獨立戰爭時,拜倫加入了對抗土耳其人的軍隊,途中染上熱病,於36 歲英年早逝,奠定他浪漫悲劇英雄的傳奇人生。
多年來,人們為拜倫寫過無數傳記,如果想要快速找到拜倫一生中某個時期的資料,可以查找下頁的索引。索引依照字母排列,人名則會依照姓氏排列,每一個條目後面都有該主題出現的頁碼。以威廉.史考特為例,出現在第376 頁。請用下頁的索引圖片來回答以下問題。