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2024/01/12 第703期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 記錄留言
【英語學習Plus】 Shetland’s Fire Festival 薛特蘭的聖火節
【本月發燒書】 Fun說英語介紹台灣:即學即用觀光導遊英語(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
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★ Shannon is handling the telephones at ABC Industries.
雪儂正接聽ABC 企業的一通來電。

S:Good morning, ABC Industries. This is Shannon speaking; how may I help you?
C:Hello, I'd like to speak to Bob Carmody, please.
S:I'm sorry, Mr. Carmody isn't available1 at the moment. Would you like his voice mail?
C:Actually, could I leave a message with you? I don't think Bob checks his voice mail that often.
S:Of course.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「記錄留言」

Shetland's Fire Festival 薛特蘭的聖火節

On Shetland, a group of islands to the far north of Scotland, there is a unique annual festival known as "Up Helly Aa." Since 1881 it has celebrated the islands' Viking history and is an incredible sight with costumes, a parade by torchlight, and the burning of a specially made longship. The festival is always held between January and March to mark the end of Yule (an old Scottish word for Christmas).

In fact, Up Helly Aa is not one festival but 12. The main festival takes place in Lerwick, the capital of Shetland, while the other 11 are held around the islands. Each event features guizers, who walk down the street with burning torches, and a main guizer called a Jarl. The person who takes this honored role must have 15 years' experience. Each year, the Jarl dresses as a different character from Viking history—but this character must be kept secret until the night of Up Helly Aa.

Another thing that happens in secret is the building of the longship. Volunteers spend months constructing the ship, also known as a galley, so it can be revealed and set alight on the night of the festival. After nightfall, guizers drag the longship through the streets with the Jarl standing on top of it. When they reach their destination the Jarl jumps down, music plays, and the guizers throw their torches into the ship.

In recent years, Up Helly Aa has hit the news for the wrong reasons. For a long time, women were not allowed to be guizers, which many people thought was unfair. Although the smaller events now allow this—2015 even saw the first female Jarl—the main festival in Lerwick does not. Another problem was the tradition of blackface—covering the face with black paint—which was criticized as racist and banned from 2020.

薛特蘭群島在蘇格蘭的極北方,擁有獨特的年度慶典「聖火節」。自1881 年起,聖火節即以扮裝、火炬遊行及燃燒特製長船的絕妙景象歡慶該群島的維京歷史。聖火節向來在一月與三月之間舉辦,用以代表「Yule」(此為蘇格蘭古語,意指「耶誕節」)的結束。









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