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2024/05/03 第719期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 使用網路
【英語學習Plus】 A Truly Great Woman 真正的偉大女性
【本月發燒書】 悅讀莎士比亞故事(4):馴悍記 & 第十二夜(25K彩圖+1CD+Exercise & 中譯別冊)
【好康情報局】 ★2024世界閱讀日書展上線★


★Jacob needs Katharine to perform an Internet search for him.

J: Clients have been telling me that our company is hard to find, like it doesn't come up in Internet searches. I want to find out why. Could you do a search with some keywords that people might use when they're looking for a company like ours and see what comes up?

K: Sure. I wonder why our site doesn't come up.

J: I don't know. I think there may be a way to buy keywords on search engines to help move our company to the top of the list.

K: I see. Do you want me to look into that, too?

J: Yes, why don't you? And take a look at the websites that come up when you search for ours. If they're our competitors, we should see what they're doing.

K: Will do.

J: And make sure you check a few different search engines!

────── 節錄寂天講堂「使用網路」

A Truly Great Woman 真正的偉大女性

Catherine II was one of Russia's greatest leaders. She came to power in 1762 and ruled Russia for 34 years until her death in 1796.

Catherine did many important things during her time in power. Even though she was not born in Russia, she loved the country very much. And she wanted to see it become strong, rich, and cultured.

Catherine believed in the power of education. She thought Russia would become great if its people improved their minds. So she set about modernizing education across Russia. In 1786, she established hundreds of free schools across the country. These schools were pen to boys and girls, whether rich or poor. She also supported many rtists and scientists. So during her time in power, art and science in Russia thrived.

Furthermore, through a clever mix of diplomacy and war, Catherine greatly increased Russia's lands. By the time she died, Russia controlled large areas of Southeastern Europe and even parts of North America.

Under Catherine, Russia became one of the strongest and most important countries in Europe. As a result, the Russian people now call her Catherine the Great!

凱薩琳二世是俄羅斯最偉大的一位領袖,1762 年掌權,統治俄羅斯達 34 年之久,直到 1796 年去世。

凱薩琳在位期間成就許多大事。儘管她並未生於俄羅斯,仍十分愛國, 希望看見俄羅斯變得富強蘊含文化。

凱薩琳深信教育的力量,她認為只有人民的思想進步,俄羅斯才會變得強大。因此她著手推行全俄羅斯教育制度的現代化。1786 年,她在全國建立上百所免費學校,開放不論貧富的男女入學。她亦支持許多藝術家和科學家,因此在位時的俄羅斯藝術與科學均蓬勃發展。




悅讀莎士比亞故事(4):馴悍記 & 第十二夜(25K彩圖+1CD+Exercise & 中譯別冊)


關鍵英單 3:108課綱進階字彙【Levels 5–6】(加贈寂天雲Mebook單字學習APP)

彩圖中級英文文法Let’s See!【四版】(16K+解答別冊)

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