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2024/05/24 第722期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 使用印表機
【英語學習Plus】 Everwood Science Fair 長青科學展
【本月發燒書】 看插畫20天背熟新制多益600核心單字 (25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP))
【好康情報局】 ★英語力系列:全方位英語口說聽力養成書★


★Katharine is going to print some documents.

K: Hi, Barbara. A quick question: I'm about to print a really long document. Should I just use the default printer, or is there another machine I should use for long stuff?

B: How long is it?

K: 65 pages.
65 頁。

B: Yes, maybe you should print to the copier in the mail room. It should be an option in your printer menu, just not your default printer. I think the name is HQ330 or something.
那也許妳要用收發室中的印表機來印。那台機器不是預設印表機,但應該會在妳的印表機選單中,名稱好像是HQ330 還是什麼的。

K: Alright, I'll check for that one.

B: And make sure no one's left letterhead in it before you send the job!

────── 節錄寂天講堂「使用印表機」

Everwood Science Fair 長青科學展

Come one, come all to the fourth annual
Science Fair
Everwood High School

Date/Time: May 29th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Place: Everwood High School Gym

It's that time of year again! Dust off your test tubes and wash your lab coats because the best and brightest of Everwood are facing off. This year's topic will be "the planet's next big energy source." First place will win a brand new microscope and a month off from school (not!). The runner-up will take home a NTD1,000 gift card for the Everwood Mall.

1) Each entry must be on a white poster with large block letters for the project title.
2) Students can paste writing and pictures to their posters.
3) Each entry must have a written introduction explaining what the project is and why it's important.
4) Each entry must be based on a science experiment that the student did on his or her own.
5) Students can display props other than their posters so long as they have to do with their science experiments.
6) Parents are not allowed to help in any way.



又到了一年一度的科學展! 趕緊撢落試管的塵埃,洗淨你的實驗袍,因為長青高中最頂尖聰明的學生們即將來場大對決。今年的主題為「地球上最新一代的厲害能源」。第一名將獲得全新的顯微鏡,還有一個月不用上學的好康(才怪!);第二名則可贏得長青購物中心價值1000元台幣的禮券。

1) 每位參賽者的作品務必張貼於白色海報,企劃標題必須採用斗大的正楷字體。
2) 可於海報上張貼文字敘述與圖片。
3) 每項參賽作品務必附有解說企劃內容及其重要原因的文字說明。
4) 每項參賽作品必須以學生自行進行的科學實驗為基礎。
5) 只要是與參賽者本身的科學實驗有關,即可展示海報以外的道具。
6) 家長切勿提供任何協助。

──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 3:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

看插畫20天背熟新制多益600核心單字 (25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


悅讀莎士比亞故事(3):仲夏夜之夢 & 皆大歡喜(25K彩圖+1CD+Exercise & 中譯別冊)

英文寫作高分班Just Write It!【彩色二版】(16K+解答別冊)

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