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2024/07/19 第730期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Discussing Marketing Strategies 討論行銷策略
【英語學習Plus】 Class and Accent 階級和口音
【本月發燒書】 彩圖初級英文文法Let’s See!【四版】 (菊8K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★英語力系列:全方位英語口說聽力養成書★

Discussing Marketing Strategies 討論行銷策略

★The members of a small company are going to meet to discuss their marketing plan.

From 寄件人: Suleiman Khalil (skhalil@exectraining.com)

To 收件人: Bob Newcastle (rnewcastle@exectraining.com), Jenny Sun (jsun@exectraining.com), Bess Reinhardt (breinhardt@exectraining.com), Albert Blithe (ablithe@exectraining.com)

Subject: Agenda for Marketing Meeting, April 28th, 9:30 a.m.
主旨: 4月28日早上9:30 的行銷會議議程

Attachment: Detailed Agenda 4-28.doc
附加檔案: Detailed Agenda 4-28.doc

Dear colleagues,

Attached please find a detailed agenda for our marketing meeting next Tuesday, April 28. I have included all of the hot topics we identified from our preliminary brainstorm of April 20. Please let me know if you have any questions or any topics to add before the meeting.

Thank you, 謝謝。
Suleiman 蘇萊曼

────── 節錄寂天講堂「討論行銷策略」

Class and Accent 階級和口音

The words and ideas you express are important, of course, but nearly as important is the way you sound when you express them. Indeed, there are still people in the world who will judge your accent before they even consider your words. You may even have your own biases.

There are a few distinct accents in the United States. People from the South are said to drawl, speaking slowly and stretching their vowels out. Some people find this accent reassuring; others think it sounds unintelligent. One accent from Southern California, with very rounded vowels, has been mocked in TV and movies as the dumbest accent in America. New York and Boston accents can sound decisive or rude, depending on the listener.

In England, accents have always been very important. Even these days, children with undesirable accents are sent to elocution lessons, where they are taught how to speak like the upper classes. Many studies show how people respond to accents. Scottish accents are seen as reassuring. People with accents from the Midlands of England are seen as untrustworthy and may suffer career discrimination as a result. People from Liverpool are thought to sound "unpleasant," while people from Ireland, apparently, sound "sexy."

In many countries, people with city accents may be seen as smarter, wealthier, and more accomplished than people who clearly sound like they are from the countryside.

Your accent, of course, reveals nothing but where you grew up—not your intelligence, not your trustworthiness, and not your value. Being able to use different accents in different situations may help people avoid prejudice, but it would be better for all of us to recognize our own irrational biases and fight against them.






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