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2024/08/16 第734期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Discussing Solutions to a Problem 討論問題的解決方案
【英語學習Plus】 Homer, the Blind Wonder Cat 盲貓荷馬的冒險旅程
【本月發燒書】 練英單 3:108課綱進階字彙邊背邊練習【Levels 5–6】(加贈寂天雲Mebook單字學習APP)
【好康情報局】 ★20240805 寂天開學季! 參展書75折起★

Discussing Solutions to a Problem 討論問題的解決方案

★Ann, George, and Katharine are discussing problems they are having with the new project leader, Caroline.

A: I think we need to talk to Caroline about our problems with her before we go to Jacob.

K: Agreed. We shouldn't ambush her. I think Caroline can do a good job—she's just trying to change things too much. We need to come to grips with this issue or she's going to run this project off the rails.

G: Exactly. Yesterday she was talking about a whole new system of organizing our data. She hadn't thought it out; it was just an idea, but I had to listen to her talk about it when I really needed to be finishing my analysis. Now I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have to use her new system!

A: We have our own ways of doing things here.

K: And I'm willing to listen to new ways to do things, but not in the middle of a project that we're behind on already!

G: Right. But somehow, when I try to explain this to her, she doesn't get it.

A: We have to request a meeting with her and Jacob. We can't go on avoiding the problem. I think we should tell them both that we have concerns about the project's management and we want to address them before they become more serious.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「討論問題的解決方案」

Homer, the Blind Wonder Cat 盲貓荷馬的冒險旅程

Goodbye, Homer

Everyone who reads this blog knows how much I love cats! I'm feeling sad today because one of the world's most famous cats has died. Homer, the "blind wonder cat," was 11 years old.

Homer's owner, Gwen Cooper, wrote about him on the Internet. People in many countries wanted to read about him. Gwen told stories about how Homer was very brave although he couldn't see. One night, when a man broke into Gwen's house, Homer attacked him and saved Gwen. In 2009, she wrote a book about Homer which raised money for other animals.

Because of Homer, people changed their ideas about blind cats. Before, if a kitten was born blind, doctors didn't save it. But now, they understand that blind animals can have good lives.

Goodbye, Homer, and thank you. Rest in peace.


本部落格的讀者,一定知道我有多愛貓!今天我很傷心,因為其中一隻全球最知名的貓去世了,那就是享年11歲的「神奇盲貓」── 荷馬。

荷馬的主人葛雯• 庫柏在網上分享他的故事,許多國家的讀者都想一窺荷馬的經歷。葛雯描述荷馬雖然眼盲,卻是一隻十分勇敢的貓咪。某晚,有名男子闖入葛雯的家,荷馬攻擊這名歹徒而救了葛雯。2009年,她出版荷馬的故事,用意在於為其他動物籌募善款。



──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 1:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

練英單 3:108課綱進階字彙邊背邊練習【Levels 5–6】(加贈寂天雲Mebook單字學習APP)


凱撒大帝 Julius Caesar:永恆的莎士比亞改寫劇本3 (25K彩色+1MP3)


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