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2024/09/06 第737期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Accepting Criticism and Taking Responsibility
【英語學習Plus】 The Khan Academy 可汗學院
【本月發燒書】 焦點英語閱讀 3:六招打造核心素養閱讀力 學測熱門推薦用書!【三版】(加贈寂天雲Mebook互動學習APP)
【好康情報局】 ★20240805 寂天開學季! 參展書75折起★

Accepting Criticism and Taking Responsibility

★Jacob talks to Katharine about her mistake.

J: Hi, Katharine. I wanted to talk to you about this research for the website. You did a great job getting a lot of information, and I appreciate the accessible format you put it into. There's one problem, though. I think somewhere you must have misread the amount we'd budgeted for designers.

K: Oh dear, really?

J: Yes, so it looks like almost all the designers you turned up are going to be out of our range.

K: I can't believe I did that! I'm so sorry.

J: It's OK, just please be careful in the future. This research will be relatively easy to redo, but on other projects it might not be.

K: I understand. It won't happen again.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「接受批評與承擔責任」

The Khan Academy 可汗學院

How many students does the average teacher teach in a lifetime? Thousands, certainly. But tens of thousands? Millions? Probably not. Salman Khan is a teacher, too—with over 25 million students.

But how can one man teach so many people? With the help of the Internet, of course. Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy, an online organization dedicated to providing anyone, anywhere, with a free, world-class education.

The project began when Khan, who has degrees from both MIT and Harvard, began teaching his cousin mathematics over the Internet. Many of Khan's other relatives wanted his help, too, so he decided to begin making educational videos and posting them online.

The academy's website features links to over 2,400 courses, covering subjects from math to the history of art. The lessons take the form of YouTube videos followed by several practice exercises.

One of the most important things about these videos is that they're available in languages other than English. At present, Khan's lessons are available in 65 languages. This means that anyone can use the service, no matter where he or she is from, what language he or she speaks, or how much money he or she has.





此類教學影片最重要的特色之一,在於不是只有英文的語言選項。可汗學院的課程目前已有65種語言的版本,意即無論使用者的居住地、母語 或經濟狀況為何,都可以使用此教學服務。

──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 3:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

焦點英語閱讀 3:六招打造核心素養閱讀力 學測熱門推薦用書!【三版】(加贈寂天雲Mebook互動學習APP)

讀出英語核心素養 1:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


吸血鬼 Dracula【Grade 5】(25K軟皮精裝+1CD)

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