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2024/09/20 第739期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Distribution of Work and Responsibilities 責任歸屬與工作分配
【英語學習Plus】 Elegant Words, Intense Emotions 優雅的文字、強烈的情感
【本月發燒書】 英語閱讀技巧完全攻略4【二版】 (加贈寂天雲Mebook閱讀學習APP)
【好康情報局】 ★20240805 寂天開學季! 參展書75折起★

Distribution of Work and Responsibilities

★Ann, Katharine, George, Jacob, and Caroline are discussing the distribution of work for the project.

C: Alright, let's look at the new work plan for the project. Ann and George, you'll be doing the data collection at the first site. You'll also both be doing the analysis. When you get back to the office, though, George, you will write up the report while Ann, you help Katharine and myself get ready for our trip to the second site. Then, when we return, the two of us will do the analysis, but Katharine will take on the writing while I'll help prepare for the third site.

J: And while you are gone, I'll be responsible for writing up the methodology, updating the clients, and finding a printer.

K: What happens after the third site is done?

C: George and Ann will move on to other projects, when their work on this one is done. It will fall on you and me to put the pieces of the report together.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「責任歸屬與工作分配」

Elegant Words, Intense Emotions

In 2007, the film Lust, Caution by Taiwanese director Ang Lee won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. Regarded highly by critics, the film was based on a short story by the Chinese writer Eileen Chang, who despite being one of modern China's most celebrated literary figures, was at the time relatively unknown in the West.

Born in 1920 to an important family in Shanghai, Chang had a difficult early life that influenced much of her writing. Born into a wealthy family, Chang was bullied terribly by her drug-using father, who even locked her in a room for nearly half a year when she became sick. In 1939, she went to study at the University of Hong Kong and began to gain success as a writer. The Japanese attack on the city in 1941, however, forced her to return to Shanghai, where she married and later divorced after discovering her husband was having a love affair with a young nurse. In 1952, due to the difficult political situation in China, she fled once again to Hong Kong and three years later moved to the United States, where she lived until her death in 1995. During her life, she published over 60 novels, short stories, and movie scripts, mostly in her native Chinese.

Unlike many Chinese writers of the time whose works were heavily influenced by politics, Chang's work focused more on the intense emotional experiences of her characters. These were often ordinary women dealing with family quarrels, hateful parents, and cheating husbands. Her elegant writing showed an understanding of human psychology that no other Chinese writer of the period could match.

Following the success of Ang Lee's film, many of Chang's works were translated into English for the first time. A whole new generation of readers were introduced to Chang's amazing stories and her work finally gained the global fame that it deserved.






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