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2024/11/07 第746期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Making Appointments With Customers on the Phone 以電話與客戶預約會面
【英語學習Plus】 The Woman Behind Your Wi-Fi 無線網路背後的女性推手
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Making Appointments With Customers on the Phone

J: Jenny, it's Jared. How are you doing?

J: I'm great, Jared, how are you? How's the missus?

J: We're both terrific, thanks. Listen, I'm calling to see if we can make a time to talk about your orders for next quarter sometime this week. Do you have any free time?

J: Honestly, this week is a tight squeeze for me. I was hoping we could do a conference call.

J: I really think it would be better to meet in person.

J: We're in luck. I had another meeting rescheduled, so I've got a few hours on Thursday afternoon.

J: Terrific. Let's say 2 p.m.?

J: That's fine. Listen, I'm going to pencil you in5 for the moment because I've got to make sure my secretary hasn't added anything to the mix, but I'll write you to confirm later today.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「以電話與客戶預約會面」

The Woman Behind Your Wi-Fi 無線網路背後的女性推手

She was called "The Most Beautiful Woman in Film." However, Hedy Lamarr was so much more than a pretty face. Born in 1914, Lamarr was a famous American film actress. But she also loved inventing things. Even though she had no formal training in science, her ideas helped change the way we connect to the Internet. Without her, Wi-Fi might not exist!

Lamarr grew up as an only child, so she got a lot of attention from her father. He was very curious about technology. Together, they would talk for hours about how machines worked. As a result, Lamarr gained a strong interest in the subject. She even began taking apart her toys to see how they fit together.

Even though she later found fame as an actress, she still kept up her interest in inventing. During World War II, she and a friend developed a new method for hiding radio waves. The goal was to stop the enemy from interfering with radio-controlled torpedoes. However, in the end, the U.S. Navy did not use their ideas.

Sadly, many years went by before others began to see how important her work was. In time, however, her ideas would go on to inspire many modern technologies, including Wi-Fi. In 2014, 14 years after her death, Lamarr was finally entered into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for her great work.








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