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2024/12/13 第751期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Describing and Comparing Products 說明與比較產品
【英語學習Plus】 Life in Lockdown 封城下的生活
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Describing and Comparing Products 說明與比較產品

★Jared is describing their new shoe line to Rose, a stakeholder, and other stakeholders.

R: So how is the Etherkid different from our other kids' shoe lines?
那麼 Etherkid 與我們其他的童鞋產品有什麼不同?

J: First of all, unlike our other children's shoes—and other company's children's shoes—the Etherkid is designed with function as well as form in mind. That means that we've spent time and money testing how the shoe's performance on young feet would be. It's a shoe that is actually good for growing feet, not only good-looking.
第一,跟我們與別家的其他童鞋不同之處為 Etherkid 兼具功能與外型。也就是說,我們投注金錢與時間在測試鞋子在兒童足部上的性能。這是一款不僅外型好看,且適合成長中的足部的鞋款。

R: And other children's shoes aren't marketing themselves this way?

J: No! Our initial market research showed that there was a huge hole in the market for this kind of product. In addition to being a performance kids' shoe, the Etherkid is also closely aligned to the adult Ethersole, so adults and children in athletic families can have associated shoes. Other lines don't have this kind of family association.
沒有!我們初步的市調指出,市場很缺這類商品。除了是功能性的童鞋外, Etherkid 還與成人鞋 Ethersole 結合。如此一來,運動家庭中的大人小孩就能有同組鞋款,其他產品並沒有針對家庭做這樣相關的設計。

R: And how does the shoe look?

J: The shoes have rubber soles and leather and synthetic uppers. The design follows the same pattern as the adult shoe, but the Etherkid comes in brighter hues than the adult shoe.

R: So the colors and design are just like other kids' shoes?

J: No, in fact, the design is totally different—our shoe design is much better for young feet than any other shoe on the market. The colors are similar to those of other kids' shoe lines, but as they are related to the colors of the adult shoes, we believe families will be more interested in buying the same brand for the entire family.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「說明與比較產品」

Life in Lockdown 封城下的生活

It's December 2020. Richard from the UK is making a video call to his friend Lin from Taiwan.

Richard: Hi, Lin! Wow, it's so good to see you!
Lin: Hi, Richard! You too! How is the COVID-19 situation with you?
Richard: Well, we're in lockdown here. So I can't meet any of my friends. And almost all shops and restaurants are closed. But I'm not sick. So at least that's a positive.
Lin: I'm glad to hear you're healthy. How are your parents?
Richard: Dad's fine. Mom started coughing yesterday so she's quarantining in her bedroom. She can't come out. She's getting a test soon, so we'll know if she has the virus or not.
Lin: I hope she's OK. How are you getting food if all the shops are closed?
Richard: Supermarkets are still open. So we can go food shopping if we need to. But we must wear masks and stay far away from people when we're in there.
Lin: It sounds like a really tough time. I hope things improve there soon.
Richard: Me, too. Hey, let's talk about something less miserable. How's your new cat?
Lin: She's great! Let me call her over—Molly! Here, Molly!

現在是 2020 年 12 月。住在英國的理察,正在與台灣的朋友琳打視訊電話。

理察: 我們這裡在封城,所以我無法和任何朋友碰面。而且幾乎所有商店和餐廳都關門了,但我沒有生病,所以至少這是件好事。
理察: 我爸很好。我媽昨天開始咳嗽,所以她自己在房間隔離,不能出來。她很快就要去檢測,我們就會知道她有沒有感染病毒。
理察: 超市還是有開,所以必要時,可以去採買食物。但我們必須戴口罩,進入超市時,要和大家保持遠一點的距離。



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