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2024/12/20 第752期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Price Negotiation With Customers 與客戶議價
【英語學習Plus】 A Great Mind Cut Short 早逝的英才
【本月發燒書】 戰勝新制多益高分演練:聽力閱讀模擬試題6回1200題【解析雙書版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
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Price Negotiation With Customers 與客戶議價

★Jared is trying to agree on a price with a customer, Jane.

J: We love the Etherkid line and we think it would do well at our urban locations. But the Etherkid is one of the most expensive kid's shoes on the market today! At the current price, we're afraid that our profits will be too low to justify keeping them in stock.
我們喜歡Etherkid 的產品,並認為這在都會區會賣得不錯。不過Etherkid 是目前市場上價格最高的其中一款童鞋!依目前的價格來說,我們擔心利潤會太低而無法持續供貨。

J: Well, I appreciate your honesty. We're aware that the Etherkid costs more than some other shoes on the market, but the reason for that is we use quality materials and legitimate labor. We believe that our prices are quite competitive for the quality of the product we provide.
這個嘛,感謝您據實以告。我們知道Etherkid 鞋款比市面上的其他鞋子來得貴,但這是因為我們使用高級的材質與合法的人力。我們相信我們的價格以我們的產品品質來說,是很有競爭力的。

J: I agree that the shoe is great, but we're afraid we aren't going to be able to crack the market at these prices. Can we talk concessions Are you willing to meet us halfway?

J: Honestly, we have come down as far as we can on the price. However, I've been looking into other ways we could meet your needs. One possibility is to offer you a discount in exchange for your taking on the shipping costs of your orders.

J: OK, that might be a possibility. I'll have to take that back to my supervisors.

J: Good, I'm glad we can consider that. The other option would be to enter into a consignment agreement at the original price. We hope this might relieve some of your anxiety about your ability to move the Etherkid.

J: That's another interesting option.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「與客戶議價」

A Great Mind Cut Short 早逝的英才

National Mathematics Day in India is celebrated on December 22. The date is significant, as it is the birthday of one of India's finest mathematicians, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Although he died tragically young in 1920 at the age of 32, Ramanujan made contributions to mathematics that were truly revolutionary. What's more, he did it all despite having no formal training in mathematics.

As a child Ramanujan clearly had a gift. He was self-studying university-level mathematics before he was even a teenager. At 17, he enrolled in a college but was unable to graduate because he spent all his time focusing on mathematics and none on his other subjects!

In desperate need of a job, Ramanujan sought out the founder of the Indian Mathematical Society, V. Ramaswamy Aiyer, who worked at a local tax office. Aiyer immediately recognized the young man's genius. Instead of giving Ramanujan a regular office job, Aiyer introduced him to some important mathematicians. This eventually led to Ramanujan being offered a position at the University of Madras.

During his time at the university, Ramanujan began exchanging letters with the English mathematician G. H. Hardy at the University of Cambridge. Hardy invited Ramanujan to study at Cambridge, but Ramanujan refused, due to the objections of his parents. Apparently, though, soon after, Ramanujan's mother had a vivid dream in which a goddess commanded her not to stop her son following his destiny. Ramanujan was off to England.

Ramanujan spent five years in Cambridge, during which time he contributed significantly to a huge range of mathematical fields. However, in 1919, Ramanujan was forced to return to India because of his worsening health due to tuberculosis and a severe vitamin deficiency. The following year, he passed away.

Ramanujan spent his final year producing exciting new mathematical work even though he was severely ill. For many decades, this work was thought lost, but incredibly, Ramanujan's final papers were rediscovered in 1976. They consist of over six hundred mathematical formulas—a final gift from one of the greatest minds in modern mathematics.




任職於該所大學期間,拉馬努金開始與劍橋大學的英國數學家G. H. 哈代書信往來。哈代邀請拉馬努金就讀劍橋,拉馬努金卻因父母的反對而婉拒。但是不久後,拉馬努金的母親做了一個生動的夢境,夢中有一位女神命令母親別阻擋兒子追隨命運。拉馬努金也就此動身前往英格蘭。

拉馬努金在劍橋待了五年,他在這段期間為數學的諸多領域帶來極大貢獻。然而,拉馬努金因為罹患肺結核和維生素缺乏,因而健康惡化,被迫於 1919年回到印度,隔年就離世了。

拉馬努金在世的最後一年,儘管身患重病,仍產出驚人的新數學研究。數十年來,大家以為此份研究已遺失,但不可思議的是,拉馬努金最後的論 文於1976年重見天日。論文裡包含超過六百則數學公式──這可說是現代數學界的最偉大的靈魂所遺留下來的最後禮物。

──選自《打造英文閱讀核心素養力 2:108課綱大考混合題型攻略(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》




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