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2025/01/24 第757期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 Making a Deal With a Customer 與客戶達成協議
【英語學習Plus】 Can a Tomato Help You Focus?
【本月發燒書】 英文字根字首神奇記憶法:再也忘不了的英單速記秘訣【附口袋單字書+字根字首字尾一覽表】(25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★2025寂天開學暨線上國際書展★

Making a Deal With a Customer 與客戶達成協議

Jared is making a deal with Jane to sell his company's products in her shops.

J: I think this will work. I'm sure my bosses will be satisfied with this. I think we've got a deal.

J: I'm so glad. I know this partnership is going to benefit us both.

J: We're pleased as well. I'm really looking forward to having your products in our stores. I know they're going to be very popular.

J: Shall we shake on it now, and I'll have my team send you the formal offer tomorrow morning?

J: Wonderful. I'll look for the offer tomorrow. A pleasure doing business with you.

J: And you.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「與客戶達成協議」

Can a Tomato Help You Focus? 番茄鐘真的能幫助你專注嗎?

Do you struggle to sit down and get on with your work? Or perhaps you find it easy to start but difficult to focus once you have begun? Motivation and concentration are challenges for many people, and the Pomodoro Technique offers a solution to both.

The technique was developed in the 1980s by an Italian, Francesco Cirillo. He believed that people should work in manageable blocks of 25 minutes, with five-minute breaks between them. Specifically, Cirillo suggested that people follow these steps:

1. Choose a task that you need to complete.
2. Set the timer (the pomodoro) for 25 minutes.
3. Work on your task until the timer rings.
4. When it rings, write a check mark to note your place.
5. Take a break for five minutes.
6. Repeat the process three more times.
7. Take a break for 30 minutes or more.
8. Return to step 2!

You may be wondering about the name of the technique, which comes from the Italian word for "tomato," or pomodoro. In the 1980s, a popular type of kitchen timer was shaped like a tomato; this is how Cirillo chose his memorable name!

Cirillo's basic technique is simple but to get more from it, he says it should be refined over time. The check marks on your page show you how much effort was required for a particular task. From this, you learn what is easy and what is difficult for you, and adjust the timings of future tasks.

For example, a student may notice they spent a long time re-ordering the contents of an essay—so next time, they decide to spend more time planning. The Pomodoro Technique may be simple, but it can change the life of anyone who struggles to use their time effectively.











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