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2025/02/07 第759期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 Are Our Vacations Under Threat?
【本月發燒書】 彩圖初級英文文法Let's See!【四版】 (16K+解答別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★2025 寂天開學暨線上國際書展★

【口語會話 Follow me 】

What Makes a Good Friend? 好朋友的定義

Dina: I still can't believe Tara would date my ex-boyfriend so soon after we broke up.
Lisa: I can. She's always been a selfish person who only cares about herself. To be honest, I don't understand why you are friends with her. She doesn't care about your happiness at all.
Dina: Wow. You sound just like my mother. She's always telling me that good friends care about your happiness as much as their own.
Lisa: Well, she's right. Also, you two really don't have anything in common. You're a good student who wants to be successful...
Dina: ...and she would rather spend her time shopping and thinking about boys.
Lisa: Remember that time she convinced you to help her find the perfect new dress when you should have been studying?
Dina: I sure do. I failed that test and I was so upset with myself.
Lisa: See? She doesn't care about your needs in the least. If I were you, I would end the friendship.
Dina: You're right. It's not a healthy friendship. I need more people like you in my life. Thanks for being honest.
Lisa: That's what good friends do!

麗莎:是不是? 她連妳的需求都不在乎。如果我是妳,就會和她絕交。

────── 選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 3:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

Are Our Vacations Under Threat? 我們的假期受到威脅了嗎?

Photographs of Venice, Italy, tend to show its clear blue canals and architecture such as the Doge's Palace. What they rarely show are the overcrowded streets, the pollution under the water, and the graffiti that says TOURISTS GO HOME. Venice, like so many cities around the world, now has so many visitors that local people are fed up, and the things that first attracted visitors are slowly being destroyed. Should we let go of our love of international travel?

There are now two billion global tourist arrivals per year, and the figure is increasing annually by 6 percent. While going on vacation is not new, this rate of growth certainly is. Travel experts suggest higher tourist numbers can be explained by two key factors: budget airlines and "the Airbnb effect." In the past, air travel was only available to the rich, but today some flights cost little more than a pair of jeans. And websites such as Airbnb, which allow guests to stay in homes rather than expensive hotels, have only speeded up the trend.

While local people's anger has been widely reported in the media – both Venice and Barcelona, Spain, saw anti-tourism protests on the streets – less is heard about the environmental harm that tourism causes. In Bali, Indonesia, popular beaches are frequently covered in plastic waste, while the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia, has been damaged by diving and snorkeling. And of course, flights are responsible for 12 percent of all carbon emissions.

If it is clear that tourism cannot continue at current levels, what is actually to be done? One solution, which arose naturally as a consequence of COVID-19, is for people to travel mostly in their own countries. Another is to ban cheap flights and homestay websites, but it seems unlikely that 21st century tourists will give up their favorite hobby without a fight.


如今每年已有20億人的全球遊客抵達威尼斯,此數字每年還增加6%。雖然度假並非新鮮事, 但是這樣的成長率絕對初次乍見。旅遊專家表示,有兩大因素可解釋遊客人數增加的現象:廉價航空以及短租平台「Airbnb」的效應。過去航空旅遊只是富人的專利,如今某些航班費用只比一件牛仔褲多一點。而短租平台Airbnb等網站,因為能讓房客待在住宅而非昂貴的飯店,也推升了這樣的旅遊趨勢。




彩圖初級英文文法Let's See!【四版】 (16K+解答別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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