姊看的不是老片 是懷舊 Nostalgia in the Time of COVID
JUN.21,2021/Mark Darvill
最近你養成了在週間任何待在家的夜晚會有的一個習慣(或者說是「儀式」可能比較正確)。在上床睡覺之前,你躺在沙發上觀賞兩到三集 1990 年代的老情境喜劇,像是《六人行》。但在過去這個月左右,你的腦海中可能已經幾度出現過某種念頭。 Recently, you have developed a new habit (or perhaps “ritual” would be a more accurate term) for any evening that you spend at home during the week. Before going to bed, you lie on your sofa and watch two or three episodes of an old sitcom from the 1990s, like Friends. But over the past month or so, on several occasions a certain thought may have occurred to you.
- ritual n. 儀式
- sitcom n. 情境喜劇(situation comedy 的簡稱)