TED:與世界分享思想 TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
AUG 15,2022/Enjoy Editors
Who is Ted and why is he always talking so much? First of all, TED isn’t a person; it’s an acronym: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. In the 1980s, Richard Saul Wurman noticed these fields were mixing together. With Harry Marks, he set up the first TED conference in 1984 in Monterey, California. That event included one of the first introductions of the earliest Apple computer. The TED conference turned out to be a total failure. It was so bad that the next TED conference didn’t happen again until 1990.
Ted 到底是誰,為何他總是在發表談話? 首先,TED 並不是一個人;而是一個字首縮略詞:是科技、娛樂和設計的縮寫。在 1980 年代,理查.索爾.烏爾曼注意到這些領域正在結合。他和哈利.馬克斯在 1984 年一同於加州蒙特雷市舉辦了第一場 TED 大會。該場活動裡包括了初期蘋果電腦最早的幾次發表之一。該次 TED 大會最後成了一個徹底的失敗。糟糕到下一次的 TED 大會直到 1990 年才再次舉辦。
- set up... / set... up 建立/設立……
- introduction n. 介紹;引進
- failure n. 失敗;失敗者