第一位進入太空的女性! The First Woman in Space
JUN 13 ,2023/Analytical Editors

For many years, when kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, their answers were not YouTubers or social media influencers. Instead, children in the 20th century enthusiastically said they wanted to be astronauts, who could fly spaceships. This was because many of them got to see the start of the Space Race, a competition between Cold War rivals—the USSR and America—in the 1950s and 1960s to see who was more technologically advanced...
過去多年來,當小孩被問及他們長大後想成為什麼時,他們的回答不是 YouTuber 或社群媒體網紅。二十世紀的孩子們反而會充滿熱情地說他們想成為可以駕駛太空船的太空人。這是因為他們當中的許多人得以看見太空競賽的開始 ── 一場於 1950 年代和 1960 年代、冷戰對手蘇聯和美國之間看誰科技較先進的競賽。...
- enthusiastically adv. 熱情地
- competition n. 競賽,比賽
- rival n. 對手,敵手