不是只有黑與白?歷代斑馬線大揭密 Not So Black and White: A History of Crosswalks
JAN. 25,2024 / Enjoy Editors

How zebra stripes and other patterns have made crossing streets safer
Crosswalks are marked parts of the road where pedestrians have the right of way to cross. Although they seem like products of the modern world, crosswalks have actually been around for more than 2,000 years...
The first crosswalks were invented in the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy. They consisted of large rocks placed on the road. When it rained heavily, they allowed people to cross the road without stepping in water or mud on the ground. They also forced horse-drawn carts to slow down and watch out for the pedestrians. These crosswalks are still found in parts of Italy today.
斑馬線和其他圖案如何讓過馬路更安全。 行人穿越道是道路上有標記且行人有通行路權的部分。雖然它們看似是現代世界的產物,但行人穿越道其實已經存在超過兩千年了。 第一條行人穿越道是在義大利古老的城市龐貝被發明出來的。它們由放置在路上的大石頭組成。下大雨時,它們讓人們能穿越馬路而不會踩到地上的水或泥巴。它們也迫使馬車慢下來留意行人。這些行人穿越道現今仍存在於義大利的部分區域。
- product n. 產物
- have been around for + 一段時間 已存在若干時間
- consist of... 由...所組成