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2024/01/30 第646期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

「睡死了」 不是sleep die!「淺眠、昏睡」英文怎麼說? |13個跟「睡眠」有關的實用說法
JAN. 23,2024 / Jerry Chang

”「睡死了」 不是sleep die!「淺眠、昏睡」英文怎麼說? |13個跟「睡眠」有關的實用說法

      學測結束後,終於有時間可以好好睡覺了是吧! 睡眠對身體和心理健康非常重要。在應對重要的考試或壓力後,確保足夠的休息時間可以幫助我們身體恢復並促進思考能力的提升喔! 但過度的睡眠也可能對健康產生負面影響。 「睡死」的英文別說成”sleep die”喔,"sleep like a log" 或 "sleep like a baby",取決於你想要表達的感覺,這兩種都可用來形容一個人睡得非常沉。一起來來學學13個跟「睡眠」有關的實用英文說法:



照過來! 大胃王祕辛報你知 Eating as a Spectator Sport
JAN. 16,2024 / Analytical Editors

長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」 The Rise of TikTok Brain

  When people talk about eating as a communal activity, they generally refer to the feeling of friendship and togetherness that comes from sitting down and sharing a meal with others. Yet, there is another way in which eating can be seen as a group experience: eating contests.
  Competitive eating contests challenge a person's eating speed or overall food consumption. Such events draw huge crowds and have become more and more popular with the streaming capabilities of the internet. While no one knows for sure how long food competitions have been around, there is a 13th-century Norse myth that features an eating contest between the trickster god Loki and a giant's servant. If the concept was prevalent enough to appear in ancient folklore, it had probably existed for a long time before that. ...


  • spectator       n.(觀看比賽的)觀眾
  • communal   a. 集體的
  • competitive   a. 競爭的


不是只有黑與白?歷代斑馬線大揭密 Not So Black and White: A History of Crosswalks
JAN. 25,2024 / Enjoy Editors

不是只有黑與白?歷代斑馬線大揭密 Not So Black and White: A History of Crosswalks

How zebra stripes and other patterns have made crossing streets safer
  Crosswalks are marked parts of the road where pedestrians have the right of way to cross. Although they seem like products of the modern world, crosswalks have actually been around for more than 2,000 years...
  The first crosswalks were invented in the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy. They consisted of large rocks placed on the road. When it rained heavily, they allowed people to cross the road without stepping in water or mud on the ground. They also forced horse-drawn carts to slow down and watch out for the pedestrians. These crosswalks are still found in parts of Italy today.

  • product   n. 產物
  • have been around for + 一段時間    已存在若干時間
  • consist of...   由...所組成


>Ivy Engrest 【常春藤數位訂閱制】,你最佳的學習夥伴! 想提升自己英文能力卻不知道怎麼開始嗎? 用興趣學英文,就算只想學一點點,也不錯過你真正感興趣的內容,馬上免費體驗去Go!!

>【電子報的內容你有學會了嗎?】現在上 一對一線上家教,贈送當期雜誌,可任意挑選喜歡的文章,每週1-2堂課,連續4週保證讓你更愛開口說英語!!

籃球壞掉別丟!二次運球用綠色設計 賦予球類新生命
學校體育課使用的籃球、排球,一旦磨損、失去彈性後,接下來會被送往哪裡呢?事實上,它們的命運經常是直接進到垃圾場,無法回收。但熱愛籃球運動的「Double Dribble二次運球」(簡稱二次運球)團隊,透過設計專業,賦予這些退役球類新生命。


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