五彩繽紛的印度侯麗節 Holi: The Hindu Festival of Spring
MAR. 23,2024 / Enjoy Editors

Celebrate life with a serious splash of color.
In India, people celebrate the arrival of?spring with Holi, the Festival of Colors. This event brings people together to celebrate life, love, and the victory of good over evil. During the festival, people express their joy and happiness by throwing powdered dye?or splashing colored water over each other. These colors have various meanings. They can mean a new life and even symbolize sin. For some, washing off the dye after the festival is seen as a way to get a new start and rid themselves of evil.
用大量潑濺的色彩來慶祝生活。 在印度,人們用色彩節慶侯麗節慶祝春天的到來。這項活動讓人們聚集在一起慶祝生活、愛以及正義戰勝邪惡。節慶期間,人們透過互相丟擲粉狀染料或潑灑五顏六色的水來表達他們的喜悅及幸福。這些顏色有各式各樣的意義。它們可以指新生活甚至是象徵罪惡。對某些人來說,在節慶後洗掉染料被視為一種重新開始和擺脫邪惡的方式。
- victory n. 勝利
- evil n. 邪惡 & a. 邪惡的
- rid oneself of... 使某人自己擺脫...