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2024/05/14 第660期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Eat for two「吃兩份」隱喻什麼? Bun in the oven別以為是「烤箱裡的小圓麵包」
APR. 30,2024 / Jerry Chang

Eat for two「吃兩份」隱喻什麼? Bun in the oven別以為是「烤箱裡的小圓麵包」




三分鐘的祕密 Beyond Vinyl: Exploring the Persistence of the Three-Minute Pop Song
MAY. 06,2024 / Analytical Editors

三分鐘的祕密 Beyond Vinyl: Exploring the Persistence of the Three-Minute Pop Song

   Have you ever wondered why pop songs tend to be around three minutes long? This custom of the three-minute song actually dates back to the middle of the 20th century. In the 1950s, the small 45 RPM record was favored by radio stations over larger long-playing (LP) records. This preference was mainly because 45s featured only one song per side, as opposed to the five or six on LPs, making it much easier for the DJ to locate the specific track they wanted to play. Due to their small size, however, 45s couldn't manage much more than three minutes of music per side. This restricted the length of songs and reinforced the brief airtime a song got on radio shows. Musicians who wanted to get their music played on the radio had to adapt to this trend.
    你是否曾想過,為什麼流行歌曲往往都大約三分鐘長呢?這個三分鐘歌曲的慣例實際上可追溯至二十世紀中期。1950 年代時,比起較大張的密紋唱片,廣播電臺更喜歡小巧的 45 轉黑膠唱片。這種偏好主要是因為 45 轉黑膠唱片每一面都只有一首歌,與擁有五或六首歌的密紋唱片不同,這讓 DJ 在找想要播放的特定樂曲時,變得更輕鬆得多。不過由於它們容量很小,45 轉黑膠唱片每一面無法置入長於三分鐘的音樂。這限制了歌曲的長度,也更強化了廣播節目中,一首歌能獲得的短暫播放時間。想要讓自己的音樂在電臺上播放的音樂家們就必須適應這個趨勢。 ...

  • persistence       n. 持續
  • date back to + 時間    回溯至...(某時)
  • favor     vt. 偏好


姿勢正確,未來沒煩惱∼ Good Posture Gives You a Better Future
MAY. 09,2024 / Enjoy Editors

姿勢正確,未來沒煩惱 Good Posture Gives You a Better Future

It is time for you to check your posture.
   Does your back hurt? Do you feel tired after sitting all day? If so, these symptoms might have something to do with how you sit. The way a person sits in a chair is important. This is especially true for people like students and office workers who sit for long hours.
  Harvard University and other institutes have carried out research on the effects of poor posture. These effects are not just limited to back and neck pain. Poor posture puts extra stress on muscles and joints. This leads to fatigue, chronic pain, and even damage to small muscles in the arms, hands, and legs. This can result in injuries or medical disorders. Studies also show that poor posture can prevent the blood in our bodies from flowing properly.

  • have something to do with...   與...有關
  • muscle    n. 肌肉
  • damage    n. 傷害


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>【電子報的內容你有學會了嗎?】現在上 一對一線上家教,贈送當期雜誌,可任意挑選喜歡的文章,每週1-2堂課,連續4週保證讓你更愛開口說英語!!

未來蛋白質新選擇 低碳飲食.永續趨勢

當老闆要跟你 "Meet for a cup of coffee",並不是要請你喝咖啡!
Anna在一家外商司工作,有一天,她正好要去吃午餐,電梯前遇到外國老闆,老闆突然說:"Let's meet for a cup of coffee later." 什麼?老闆要請她喝咖啡?別會錯意喲!“A cup of coffee”字面上是一杯咖啡,但這裡卻是指「很短的時間、一下子」。來看看“a cup of coffee”和“a cup of tea”的用法,和你想的不一樣。

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