「放閃」英文怎麼說? PDA, LDR, FWB什麼意思? 認識常見社群流行英文
MAY. 21,2024 / Jerry Chang
像是 BFF (Best Friends Forever), LDR (Long Distance Relationship), PDA (Public Display of Affection) 在日常生活、工作和社交媒體中常見,了解和使用它們必定可以讓你跟上時代的腳步,與年輕人交流時更加融入、自然。
《月球密典》: 打造月球上最豐富的美術館 Art on the Moon
MAY. 23,2024 / Analytical Editors

Art can be found almost everywhere on Earth. There are statues on mountaintops, sculptures beneath the sea, and art exhibits held in the middle of deserts. A group of over 30,000 artists has recently come together to place their works in an entirely new location—the Moon. The project, named the Lunar Codex, is dividing pieces they've gathered into five collections. The first one, the Orion Collection, was already launched into space to orbit around the Moon in 2022 on NASA's Orion spacecraft. The other four will be flown to different destinations on the Moon in future landing missions.
地球上幾乎各地都能看見藝術。有在山頂上的雕像、海底的雕塑品,還有在沙漠中央舉辦的藝術展。有個三萬多名藝術家組成的團體近來要一起將他們的作品放上全新的地點 ── 月球。該計畫名為《月球密典》,他們將已經蒐集到的藝術品分為五批藏品。第一批獵戶座藏品已經在 2022 年登上 NASA 的獵戶座太空船被發送到太空,繞著月球轉。其他四批藏品將會在未來的登陸任務中被飛送到月球上的不同地點。
- sculpture n. 雕刻品,雕像
- exhibit n. 展覽(品)
- divide A into B 把 A 分成 B
淺讀電子郵件的歷史 Browse through the History of Email
MAY. 23,2024 / Enjoy Editors

You've got mail, but it might be spam!
In the world today, there are more than four billion email users. Email has become an essential part of our lives, especially in the world of business. Perhaps it is not surprising that the origins of email began at the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT.
In 1965, computer engineers at MIT developed a system called “MAILBOX.” The system would allow users to leave messages on the computer for others who logged on later. However, these communications were limited to people using the same computer. Still, it planted the seeds of the idea that became email.
你收到的可能是垃圾郵件! 在當今的世界,電子郵件用戶超過四十億人。電子郵件已成為我們生活中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是在商業領域。電子郵件的起源始於世界著名的麻省理工學院(又稱 MIT),這或許一點也不令人意外。
1965 年, 麻省理工學院的電腦工程師開發了一個名為「 MAILBOX」的系統。該系統讓使用者得以在電腦上留言給稍後登入的其他人。然而,這些通訊僅限於使用同一臺電腦的人們。儘管如此,它還是種下電子郵件這個主意的根源。
- essential a. 不可或缺的,必要的
- origin n. 起源
- leave a message for sb 留話給某人
•AI時代的勞動法挑戰與企業的法律義務 隨著AI技術的進步,許多傳統工作可能被機器取代。企業在面對這種技術變革時,可能會考慮解僱無法適應新技術的員工。然而,這種解僱必須符合法律規定,以保護勞工的權益。
•頑固型憂鬱症具家族遺傳性,一等親罹病風險增九倍?! 臺北榮總精神醫學部情緒精準醫療中心李正達主任團隊研究發現,頑固型憂鬱症患者的一等親,大幅增加9.16倍罹患頑固型憂鬱症的風險,也增加了2至3倍得到其他精神疾病的機會,為首篇證實頑固型憂鬱症有基因遺傳風險的研究,並刊登於精神領域頂尖國際期刊。
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