為什麼鋼琴有 88 個鍵? Why Does a Piano Have Precisely 88 Keys?
AUG. 22,2024 / Analytical Editors

Have you ever counted the number of keys on a piano? On a standard modern piano, the number of keys is 88. So, why is this the case?
The piano is believed to have been invented around the beginning of the 18th century. It was first created as a modified version of the harpsichord. Most harpsichords at the time had 60 keys—covering five octaves, with each octave comprising seven white keys and five black keys. That’s why the earliest pianos also had 60 keys. The white keys on a piano are called natural keys and correspond to the musical notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The black keys, known as sharp or flat keys, represent notes that fall between pairs of natural keys in terms of pitch.
鋼琴被認為是在十八世紀初期左右發明的。它最初是作為大鍵琴經改造而成的版本來創造的。當時大多數的大鍵琴有六十個琴鍵 ── 涵蓋五個八度,每個八度包含七個白鍵和五個黑鍵。那就是為什麼最早的鋼琴也有六十個琴鍵。鋼琴上的白鍵被稱為自然鍵,相當於 A、B、C、D、E、F 和 G 這些音符。黑鍵則被稱為升鍵或降鍵,其代表就音高而言,介於兩個相鄰自然鍵之間的音。
- precisely adv. 恰恰,正(用於強調)
- modified a. 改造的;修改的
- comprise vt. 包含,由...組成