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2024/09/17 第678期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

2024美國總統大選,民主黨競選人賀錦麗的立場為何? 認識選舉英文新聞
SEP. 03,2024 / Jerry Chang

2024美國總統大選,民主黨競選人賀錦麗的立場為何? 認識選舉英文新聞

     美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)於美東時間2024年7月21日下午宣佈退出2024總統競選,並且表示支持副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)參選成為民主黨的總統候選人。並也呼籲民主黨人團結一致,齊心協力擊敗川普(Donald Trump)。



為什麼鋼琴有 88 個鍵? Why Does a Piano Have Precisely 88 Keys?
AUG. 22,2024 / Analytical Editors

為什麼鋼琴有 88 個鍵? Why Does a Piano Have Precisely 88 Keys?

   Have you ever counted the number of keys on a piano? On a standard modern piano, the number of keys is 88. So, why is this the case?
  The piano is believed to have been invented around the beginning of the 18th century. It was first created as a modified version of the harpsichord. Most harpsichords at the time had 60 keys—covering five octaves, with each octave comprising seven white keys and five black keys. That’s why the earliest pianos also had 60 keys. The white keys on a piano are called natural keys and correspond to the musical notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The black keys, known as sharp or flat keys, represent notes that fall between pairs of natural keys in terms of pitch.
  鋼琴被認為是在十八世紀初期左右發明的。它最初是作為大鍵琴經改造而成的版本來創造的。當時大多數的大鍵琴有六十個琴鍵 ── 涵蓋五個八度,每個八度包含七個白鍵和五個黑鍵。那就是為什麼最早的鋼琴也有六十個琴鍵。鋼琴上的白鍵被稱為自然鍵,相當於 A、B、C、D、E、F 和 G 這些音符。黑鍵則被稱為升鍵或降鍵,其代表就音高而言,介於兩個相鄰自然鍵之間的音。 ....

  • precisely       adv. 恰恰,正(用於強調)
  • modified    a. 改造的;修改的
  • comprise    vt. 包含,由...組成


讓人又愛又怕的藍紋起司 Blue Cheese: Moldy but Delicious
SEP. 02,2024 / Enjoy Editors

讓人又愛又怕的藍紋起司 Blue Cheese: Moldy but Delicious

Add blue cheese to your diet
  Most food cannot be eaten once it comes into contact with bacteria and begins to grow mold. However, blue cheese is a special case to that rule. This strongly flavored cheese is made with a type of bacteria that is not only __1__ but also delicious.
   It is said that the first blue cheese was produced __2__. The legend goes that a shepherd was enjoying his lunch of bread and cheese in a cave. When he saw a pretty woman in the distance, he left his food there and forgot about it. __3__ months later, he found the cheese had turned blue. Although some varieties are still made in caves, the technology for making blue cheese has greatly advanced over the centuries.
   據說第一個藍紋起司是偶然被製作出來的。據說有一位牧羊人在洞穴裡享用麵包和起司當午餐。當他看到遠處有一個漂亮的女人時,他把食物留在那然後就忘記了。幾個月後,當他回去時,他發現起司變成藍色的了。儘管有些種類仍是在洞穴裡製作的,但經過幾個世紀,製作藍紋起司的技術已大有進展。   ....

  • diet   n. 日常飲食
  • come into contact with...    接觸到...
  • cave   n. 洞穴,山洞


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