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2024/11/26 第688期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

川普當選對台灣有何影響? 認識「國際外交」必備英文字彙
NOV. 12,2024 / Jerry Chang

川普當選對台灣有何影響? 認識「國際外交」必備英文字彙

     隨著川普(Donald Trump)當選總統的確定,美國政治再度進入川普時代,這對台灣以及國際局勢意味著什麼呢?川普的勝選可能會對台灣的外交、經濟,甚至安全政策產生深遠影響。隨著中美關係可能進一步緊張,台灣在這場國際角力中的角色備受矚目!美國對台政策的變動將如何影響台灣的外交地位、經濟貿易及安全防衛?加強外交連結或增強軍事合作,是機會還是挑戰呢?一起學習國際新聞常見的政治英文單字!



短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索 Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings
NOV. 04,2024 / Analytical Editors

短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索  Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings

  Billy Lezra stood on the edge of a train platform, with her heart pounding and her mind clouded by despair. At 23, she faced her mother's suicide attempt and spiraled into depression and alcohol addiction. She saw no way out, and just as she was about to take the final step, a stranger approached her with an unexpected request: “Excuse me, but would you mind taking my picture?”

  • pound       vi.(心臟)劇烈地跳
  • despair    n. 絕望
  • suicide    n. 自殺


芒草季降臨!銀白花海夢幻來襲 Dive into the Waves of Silvergrass
NOV. 11,2024 / Enjoy Editors

芒草季降臨!銀白花海夢幻來襲 Dive into the Waves of Silvergrass

Discover one of Taiwan's natural treasures.
   Silvergrass is a plant that is commonly seen across Taiwan. It grows in groups of tall reeds with feathery tops that move with the wind. Despite its delicate appearance, this plant has had a number of uses in different parts of the world.
  Fourteen species of silvergrass grow throughout Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Many cultures around the world have found different uses for this special plant. The Japanese have long valued silvergrass for its beauty and used it in papermaking. In Papua New Guinea, the stems have been used to make garden fences and the outer walls of traditional houses.
   亞洲、非洲和美洲各地有十四個品種的芒草。世界各地的許多文化都發現了這種特殊植物的不同用途。日本人長期以來一直重視芒草的美並將其用於造紙上。在巴布亞紐幾內亞,芒草的莖被用來製作花園圍籬和傳統房屋的外牆。 ....

  • natural   a. 自然的
  • a number of + 複數名詞     一些/若干...
  • fence     n. 籬笆,柵欄


>Ivy Engrest 【常春藤數位訂閱制】,你最佳的學習夥伴! 想提升自己英文能力卻不知道怎麼開始嗎? 用興趣學英文,就算只想學一點點,也不錯過你真正感興趣的內容,馬上免費體驗去Go!!

>【電子報的內容你有學會了嗎?】現在上 一對一線上家教,贈送當期雜誌,可任意挑選喜歡的文章,每週1-2堂課,連續4週保證讓你更愛開口說英語!!


面試官問你 What are your strong suits? 不是在問你的套裝
Nancy去面試。面試官問他:What are your strong suits? 她緊張低下頭看看自己今天的穿著,難道穿得不夠正式嗎?什麼是強勢的套裝?Suit我們最熟悉的用法是「套裝」,但它還有很多其他的道地用法。今天來看看這個字的用法。

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