拔,還是不拔?智齒的大哉問 Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
DEC. 06,2024 / Enjoy Editors

Through the process of evolution, humans are gradually losing their wisdom teeth. However, evolution takes time and doesn't happen overnight. Meanwhile, most people are still born with at least one wisdom tooth.
Due to the limited space in our smaller jaws, these teeth can cause problems when they start to grow. Common problems include overcrowding in the jaw and infections, which can be extremely painful. When the pain becomes too much to bear, a visit to the dentist becomes unavoidable. At this point, dentists have to decide whether to keep a wisdom tooth or not. By examining X-rays, the dentist will make the decision based on a number of factors. These include the patient's jaw size, the symptoms they are experiencing, the angle at which the tooth is growing, and the possibility of future problems caused by the tooth.
由於我們較小的上下顎空間有限,這些牙齒在長出時可能會引發問題。常見的問題包括顎部過度擁擠和感染,這些情況可能會令人疼痛不已。當疼痛感變得難以忍受,就會不得不去看牙醫。在這種情況下,牙醫必須決定是否要保留智齒。經過檢查 X 光片,牙醫會依據諸多因素做出判斷。這些包含病人的顎部大小、他們出現的症狀、智齒生長的角度,以及智齒未來可能引發問題的機率。....
- meanwhile 在此期間;與此同時
- at least + 數字 至少...(數字)
- limited a. 有限的