逼逼!破解以假亂真的人工智慧圖片 A Beginner's Guide to Recognizing AI Art
DEC. 17,2024 / Enjoy Editors

How to tell if images are real or AI-generated
AI artwork is amazing, and it's becoming more impressive every day. It can already copy the style of famous artists and create images of famous people. In fact, it's getting harder to tell the difference between real photos and images created by AI. However, there are still ways to spot AI-generated content if you know what to look for.
如何判斷圖片是否為人工智慧生成的 人工智慧藝術作品令人驚豔,而且每天都變得更加令人印象深刻。它已經可以模仿著名藝術家的風格,並創作出名人的圖像。事實上,現在已經越來越難分辨真實照片與人工智慧創作的圖片之間的差異。不過,如果你知道要留意什麼,依然有些方式可以辨別人工智慧生成的內容。....
- recognize vt. 辨認,辨識
- tell the difference between A and B 辨別/區分 A 與 B
- spot vt. 發現,認出