老外說他正 carrying a balance,跟平不平衡沒關係!
開年度業務檢討會議時,Jason 的外籍老闆說:
"If we lose any more money, we won't be able to balance the books this year."
Jason 很疑惑,不知怎麼回答,難道要叫大家看什麼書嗎?
Balance the books 是一個常見商業片語,今天就一起來看看 balance 這個字在商業場景的應用。
1. If we lose any more money, we won't be able to balance the books this year.
Balance 我們比較熟名詞用法,意思是「平衡」或「餘額」,但在這裡是動詞用法,就是「平衡」。Book 除了書之外,也有「帳冊」之意,當「帳冊」時要用複數。這用法大家較陌生,來看一例:
• At the end of the year, the accountant goes over the books. 年終時會計要覆核公司的帳冊。
Balance the books,指的是「收支平衡」。多看一例句熟悉用法:
• The company reduced its advertising budget by 25% in order to balance the books.
為了平衡收支,公司裁減 25% 的廣告預算。
2. I am carrying a balance.
Carry 是「攜帶、扛著」的意思,balance 是「餘額」,還攜帶著餘額,就是指「還沒繳清卡費」,也就是我們常說的「循環利息」。如果繳清了,我們會用 pay it off。
• If you only pay the minimum, you'll be carrying a balance. And you'll be charged interest on that balance. 如果你只繳最低額度,那餘額將會收取利息。
3. On balance/In balance/ in the balance
• On balance 大致上/權衡利弊之後
On balance 是個好用的片語,既是平衡,其實就是左右兩邊都顧慮到。是經過一番思考後,下結論時用的一個片語:
• I would say that, on balance, it hasn't been a bad year. 大體說來,我認為今年還不錯。
• The job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he was.
• In balance 收支平衡
In balance 這個片語比較單純,也很常見,就是收支平衡:
• We want to cut the budget to get it in balance by next year.
• In the balance 懸而不決;結果未定
加了一個 the,in the balance就不是收支平衡,而是指「還在尋找平衡狀態」,常指「發展到關鍵性階段或緊要關頭,但結果還未知」。這個片語常和動詞hang搭配:
• The game hung in the balance until the last minute. 比賽僵持不下,直到最後一分鐘才分出勝負。
• The fate of the project hangs in the balance. 這案子命運懸而未決。