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2024/08/30 ²Ä593´Á  |  ­q¾\¡þ°h­q  |  ¬Ý¾ú¥v³ø¥÷
 2024-08-30 VOL:943
 ¯»µ· |   ³ø¦W½Òµ{ |  ­q¾\¥@¬É¤½¥Á WEEKLY Âà±Hµ¹ªB¤Í ¤H¸ê¥DºÞ ¥@¬É¤½¥Á¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß  

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click here ¬Ýµª®× «D¾Ç­û½Ð¥ý­q¾\¥@¬É¤½¥Á WEEKLY


¦Ñ¥~»¡What's the score? ¤£¬O¦b°Ý¤À¼Æ¡H

Jane¦b·|ij«Ç¸Ì©M¦P¨Æ­Ì¶}·|¡A¥¿¦b°Q½×¤@­Ó·sªº±M®×·|ij¡C¥~ÄyAlice¦P¨Æ±q¥~­±¨«¶i¨Ó¡A¬Ý¨ì·|ij¶}©l¤F¡AAlice¶}¤f»¡¡GSorry I'm late. What's the score with the project presentation?
“¤°»òscore? ½Öµ¹§Ú­Ìªº±M®×¥´¤À¼Æ¶Ü¡H”
­ì¨ÓWhat's the score? ¤£¬O¦b°Ý¤À¼Æ¡I

1. What’s the score?


• What is the score now? ²{¦b¤ñ¤À¦h¤Ö¡H¡]¡¯¥Î©ó¹B°ÊÁɨƤW¡^


• She scored 750 on the TOEIC. ¦o¦h¯q¦Ò750¤À¡C

¦ýJane©MAliceªº·|ij¤¤¸Ì¡A"What's the score?" ¬O¸ß°Ý±M®×¶i®i¡A¾ãÅ鱡ªpªº§ó·s¡CScore­ì¨Ó«üÄv§Þ¤ñÁɤ¤ªº¡u¤ñ¤À¡v¡A¶i¤@¨B©µ¦ù¬°¡u§½¶Õ¡v©Î¡uª¬ªp¡v¡C
§Ú­Ì¥Îwhat’s the score¡A¸g±`¬O¦w±Æ³Q¥´Â_¡B¥´¶Ã¡A¾ãÅ骬ªp»Ý­n®Þ²z®É¡A¨Ò¦p¡G

• What's the score, then - are they coming? ±¡ªp«ç麽¼Ë¡H——¥L­Ì­n¨Ó¶Ü¡H

ScoreªºÃþ¦ü¥ÎªkÁÙ¦³­nÁA¸Ñ²{¦b³Ì·sªºª¬ªp¡A¥i¥H¥Îget the score¡G

• I need to talk to Mark and get the score on what's happening with the project.¡@§Ú»Ý­n©M°¨§J½Í¤@½Í¡AÁA¸Ñ¤@¤U±M®×ªº³Ì·s±¡ªp¡C


• "How did you do on the exam?"


• What score did you get on the exam?


2. I know the score.

Know the score: ·N«ä¬O¡uÁA¸Ñ¹ê±¡¡v©Î¡uÀ´±o¤º¹õ¡v¡C³q±`¥Î¨Ó§Î®e¹ï¬Y¥ó¨Æ¤w¸g«ÜÁA¸Ñ©Î¦³¸gÅç¡C“I know the score.” «ü¡u§Ú«Ü²M·¡±¡况¡v©ÎªÌ¡u§Úª¾¹D¨Æ±¡ªº¯u¬Û¡v¡C³o¥y¸Üªí¥Ü»¡¸ÜªÌ¹ï¬Y­Ó±¡ªp¡B§½¶Õ©Î¨Æ±¡ªº¤º¹õ¤w¸g«D±`ÁA¸Ñ¡A¤£»Ý­n§O¤H¦A¸ÑÄÀ©Î§iª¾¡C

• He knows the score when it comes to tough negotiations.

3. We finally settle the score.

“Score”¦b³o¸Ìªº·N«ä¬O¡u½ã¡v©Î¡u®¦«è¡v¡A«üªº¬O¹L¥hªºª§°õ¡B¤£º¡©Î¥¼¸Ñ¨Mªº°ÝÃD¡CSettle the score”·N«ä¬O¡u²Mºâ®¦«è¡B³ø´_©Î¤Fµ²Â½ã¡v¡C

• He finally settled the score with his rival after years of competition.¡@ ¸g¹L¦h¦~ªºÄvª§¡A¥L²×©ó©M¥Lªº¹ï¤â¤Fµ²¤F®¦«è¡C

• The president used his speech to settle some old scores with his opponents. Á`²Î§Q¥Î¥Lªººt»¡¸ò¹ï¤âºâ¤F¤@µ§Â½ã¡C 


¼ô¨ì¦Ñ¥~³£Ä±±o§A­^¤å¦n¡A¥[¤J¶q¨­­q°µªº1on1 program




  1. Please help me return back the novel to the library. ½ÐÀ°§Ú§â¤p»¡ÁÙµ¹¹Ï®ÑÀ]¡C
  2. Jeffery may possibly accept this job offer. ³Ç¦ò·ç¥i¯à·|±µ¨ü³o­Ó¤u§@¾÷·|¡C
  3. To make the job go smoothly, we need to plan everything in advance. ¬°¤FÅý¤u§@¶i¦æ¶¶§Q¡A§Ú­Ì¥²¶·­pµe¦n©Ò¦³ªº¨Æ¡C
  4. They go to the church every Sunday. ¥L­Ì¨C­Ó¬P´Á¤Ñ³£¥h°µÂ§«ô¡C
  5. Because the lights are on, so there must be someone at home. ¦]¬°¿O¬O«GµÛªº¡A©Ò¥H¤@©w¦³¤H¦b®a¡C

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